Cloning issues.


So this is my first time cloning. I cut the stem on a 45. Put directly in ph water at 5.8. When I was done clipping I dipped my stems in some Olivia's cloning gel an inserted into some rock wool that I had soaking in some 5.8 water. I shook most of the water out of the cube first. I've had them in a humidity dome for a week and out of curiosity I cracked a cube open and there was no sign of root growth. Am I being to impatient. Any help would be great am I missing something ?


New Member
My cuttings are taking a while to root right now too. If you rip into them, they will not live. If you leave them alone, they may.



Well-Known Member
So this is my first time cloning. I cut the stem on a 45. Put directly in ph water at 5.8. When I was done clipping I dipped my stems in some Olivia's cloning gel an inserted into some rock wool that I had soaking in some 5.8 water. I shook most of the water out of the cube first. I've had them in a humidity dome for a week and out of curiosity I cracked a cube open and there was no sign of root growth. Am I being to impatient. Any help would be great am I missing something ?
Direct link to my cloning setup. step by step, 100% success rate.

Last year i was 2% success.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
What do you use to cut? do you put into water after cut?(you should, it reduces embolisms IMO)

Get Olivia's or Clonex Rooting Solution. mix with water and use that.

Take a SECOND cut 1/8" above the last to help reduce embolisms.

Make sure there are at least 3 growing nodes per cut.

mist a few times a day. and don't touch the cuts themselves. just the rockwoll cubes. you WILL break any roots if you try to check the inside of the hole for growing roots. 7-14 days you should see roots out the sides of the cube. sometimes the bottom first.


Thanks for the help stew. I've done exactly what u do except the second cut 1/8 inch above last. I use a new utility bade sanitized of oils and I do put in ph'ed water. What should the temp be ? And should I be watering cubes after this process at all ? Or just misting? And thanks again very much appreciated !!


Well-Known Member
just misting. you don't want the cubes soaked. just moist. as long as the humidity within the dome stays high, they will remain moist enough for the 1-2 weeks.

Depending on what you are using for a light above, you may not need a heat mat at the moment. I use a 4' T12 shop light. it puts out enough heat to keep my dome around 85F which is perfect for the clones i have cut and rooted so far.
In the winter months it may become necessary.

The clones will start to brighten in color at the apex(main tip). the brighter they get the more the roots stretch. this is when i plant them and give my nute solution.


Well-Known Member
If they have air in the stem they will die no matter what you do.
If you put water in the tray below the insert then you will probably rot your stem.
If you do not mist them multiple times a day as well as your dome, they will die.


Well-Known Member
Don't look in the medium for roots until 2 weeks has gone without roots growing out the bottom. Make sure the mother is green and healthy, make sure the clones stems are thick.


I'm feeling I may have left my cubes to wet when I put the stems in. I have a few questions. Would it hurt to fill my holes with gel to keep all air out. And should I scrape some skin off the end of the roots to thin them?


Well-Known Member
if you click on the link i posted first you can see exactly how i clone, step by step with pictures.. i don't do either of those..


Well-Known Member
Rapid Rooter Plugs and NO. no soak for me. I just use them right out the package. they are pre-moistened.. works perfect for me.


Thanks again stew. Grabbed some general hydroponics rapid rooters today. Gonna give it a shot later. U from r.i stew ?


I'm from ma. Caretakers are hard to come by and too pricey. I've grown in soil from seed an trying to save a little money with cloning and I set up a flood and drain table. U guys have a dispensary in ri already no?


Well-Known Member
Yeah but they both suck IMO...

It's easier to grow your own and get good quality buds. cheaper too. :)

but yeah 2 dispensaries in this state.