Cloning from mommy


Hey guys i'm tryin to clone my old girl. She has thick stems comin out of the stalk right above each fan leaf stem... These stems have multiple leaf sets. Is there anyway to "top" these stems cuz there's multiple leaf sets on each, or should i just cut the clones from the main stem where calyxes appear?


Well-Known Member
Any cutting that has at least two nodes and not a woody stem should be fine. New growth tips work the best.


Any cutting that has at least two nodes and not a woody stem should be fine. New growth tips work the best.
Thank you, but my question is confusing cuz i don't know the exact terminology... I want to flower my mommy too, so can i just cut halfway down the stem which will eventually have buds on it and it grow back? Kinda like topping half a plant, but topping half the stem that grows in the same place as calyxes on the main stem....