cloning eatables


Active Member
is it ok for me to clone veggys and herbs?
i was reading and some say its ok and some say no i just want to make sure it will be safe to eat for the fam
p.s. this site is the best for growing weed i hope its the place for all gardening


Well-Known Member
Yes of course you can, and yes it would be safe to eat! I don't see why it wouldn't be!


Well-Known Member
I never have with rooting hormone.

Vine and cane plants clone the best. Tomatoes, raspberries, black berries, cucumbers, etc...

The next easiest are plants with runners like strawberries.

Tough ones are woody stemmed, like peppers when they start to develop veggies, blue berries. Just as tough are plants without stems, like squashes.

You want to take cuttings for clones prior to them starting to develop flowers.


Active Member
lol thats where this thing started my grandmom she said she did it 20 years ago but doesnt rember if she had root hormone or not


Well-Known Member
I love my grandmother as well, she cooks very good. I really liked my great grandmother though, I still have peices of the blanket she made for me. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww


Well-Known Member
i both clone veggies and love my grandma.

i took clones from a mr.stripy wile it had fruit on it 99% of them rooted and took off.