~Cloning and Growing in Regular Old Miracle Gro~


Well-Known Member
My house plants love it:lol:
To clone'em I take a cutting
and stick it in wet regular old
MG. Same with the air laying!
My ? is if I let the seedling get
bigger then stick it in the MG
what will it do? I'm going to try

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Well-Known Member
Ya it should work once the plant is a little biger. Like 4th true set of leaves. I never used MG on anything but house plants so I don't know what you'll get. Big debate on MG.


Well-Known Member
I have read so many post on MG.."Don't use it, It works, It's ok...get yourself some Fox farm".
It can be confusing. The best way to know is like you said.... I'm going to try it.
Go for it...don't forget to post results..bro


Active Member
im currently using miracle grow and i used it from seed. i have 3 plants that are doing decently well. if you want to experiment, i would say to transplant older plants into MG that way younger plants arent ruined by the fertilizers already in the soil. if you transplant them into MG right about the time you would add your nutes and water them you should see a huge growth spert. just dont add nutes afterwards.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I got extra seedlings and extra MG.
I have some in LW, rock wool and coco.
The LW is the ones way ahead of the others~
I'm going to keep'em in these mediums
till they out grow the 1(.66) gallon pot.
Then put a few in ffof and a few in coco
maybe 1 or 2 in MG.

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I've never grown in anything but Miracle Grow, or at least had a large amount of MG in my mix. I'm not a very experienced grower though. I've seen a few harvests in the past, but this is my first grow in about 8 years. I went with MG this time because it's what I used back then. I don't really ever remember having any major soil problems. It burns seedlings a little... but so does Fox Farms. I've seen just as many burned plants that were being grown in "perfect" soil and fed with hundreds of dollars worth of nutrients. I think part of the bad reputation comes from the fact that the type of people who use MG are also usually the type of people who have crap lights, temp and ventilation issues, and bad growing habits.

That said, Miracle Grow won't be getting anywhere near my next grow. I'm going all organic. I want to see the difference first hand.