Clones pulled out of pot for 2 days !

How do I repot clones that already have roots ? And will they survive after so long out of soil ? Do I need to add nutrients to new soil ?


Well-Known Member
Don't add any nuts just put them in a good medium and make sure the roots say moist not wet and you will be fine

kali kid greenthumb

Well-Known Member
Was that from a already flowered plant? if so your going to need to put that under 24/0 light cycle any RE-VEG takes like 2 months or longer but yea just water for now
Was that from a already flowered plant? if so your going to need to put that under 24/0 light cycle any RE-VEG takes like 2 months or longer but yea just water for now
Yes it was. u can see where the other leaves were growing and it has roots already. Iv had it under 24 light but just watering it I'm not sure when to starting feeding her

kali kid greenthumb

Well-Known Member
just wait until some new growth starts to show but when you do start to feed just gradually bump it up ,go 1/4 then 1/2 and work up to full strength