Clones not looking so good

Hey guys so I took some clones from my plants and put them into rock wool and they look like they are dying now I cut them vertical stem at a 45 degree angle and sliced the bottom of the cutting and dipped that into clonex. If anyone could help or have any advice it would be much appreciated


Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
How long ago did you cut them?
How moist are the cubes?
What kind of light and how far away from the clones?
I would cut the leaves in half.


Well-Known Member
Read 'al b fuct'. He has a thread on cloning here..
Rockwool is tricky. a 1.5x1.5'' cube weighs 5g dry and only 20-25g wet. Anymore and it's oversaturated. Salad spinners work well.
Cutting the leaves? I don't understand that one.
Darkness helps for a few hours supposedly.
I've had 8'' clones wilt then bounce back and do fine.
Humidity domes help if ambient rh is under 60%.


Active Member
How I clone:

Take the stems and split them in 4, dip in clonex and put them in small pieces of peat. These have no nutes and comes as small disks that grows when put in water. I have also cloned in low nutr soil with no trouble.

Anyways, after putting them in the peat pieces i put them in a dome under a 14watt T5 and 12/12 cycle ish (not 100%). I spray the clones with tapwater (soft water) and also spray the lid of the dome 2 times a day. Moist is crucial. My temp is around 23 Celcius at all times.

After i start to see roots i add some root enhancement (BioBizz rootjuice) and pot them into small pots. I wait till I see roots coming out the bottom before i pot into anything larger.

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