Clones looking very sad and droopy


Active Member
So I cloned six branches off my skywalker lady. They looked very good the first couple of days. And now they are looking droopy and sad. Is this normal? They seem to be lifeless. I pulled one from the cube and it looks to be no roots sprout. Please help Can I save them any thing I can do.


Well-Known Member
So I cloned six branches off my skywalker lady. They looked very good the first couple of days. And now they are looking droopy and sad. Is this normal? They seem to be lifeless. I pulled one from the cube and it looks to be no roots sprout. Please help Can I save them any thing I can do.
Do you have a humidity dome, are you using rockwool?

Do you have any pictures?

Not much information :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
No dome. In rockwool
Get a dome and a sprayer.

Dome and tray, about $5.95, sprayer $2.

They need water on the leaves so they grow roots, dome helps to keep them moist.

Don't let the rockwool get to wet, squeze it out.

There is a good cloning tutorial on this site some where. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Here goes cloning made easy, this really isn't rocket science, don't make harder or do more than you have too.
1. Select your cuttings, I like about 3 inches of branch to work with. Just make sure that your branch is stiff so that it won't rot in the rockwool before rooting.
2. Take your cutting, making the cut with a sharp sharp pair of scissors or razor blade. I suggest wiping them down with alcohol first.
3. Place your cuttings in a bowl of water immediately, submersing them in the water, I like to add a drop of superthrive to the water but this is personal choice. Leave in the water for about 15 minutes, this ensures you don't have air in the stalk.
4. Take cutting dip in your root toner, be it gel or powder, cut the bottom of the cutting at a 45 degree angle. I cut after dipping to make sure that the bottom of the stem is clean to allow the water to be more easily drawn up the stem.
5. Place in your wet rockwool cube. People have different thoughts on this but I simply wet the cube place in the cutting and squeeze out excess water. Some say you have to presoak for a certain period of time but I have never found this to be helpful or harmful. Most commercial rockwool is Ph nuetral so I see no need for the extra forethought.
6. Place cuttings in a tray of somesort under a dome atop a heating pad, dsl modem of other low heat source.
7. Place this under your light source, I have great success with a simple 23 watt cfl and have cloned up to 12 at a time in this manner.
8. Mist daily, ensure the rockwool doesn't dry out and allow the dome to come off at least once a day to have good air exchange.

This is the method and steps I take each time I clone and haven't lost a clone in well over a year.
Hope this helps and Merry Christmas


Active Member
Thanks Fellas, I basically fallowed your procedure to the tee,(CANAFAN) Per previously seen on a video about cloning, I just have not used a heating pad, (or modem- GOOD IDEA) I have now put them in a Dome ( per Golddog). The stem seems to be a reddish purple color. Are these dead? How long should I expect them to recover if they are going to ?


Well-Known Member
Thanks Fellas, I basically fallowed your procedure to the tee,(CANAFAN) Per previously seen on a video about cloning, I just have not used a heating pad, (or modem- GOOD IDEA) I have now put them in a Dome ( per Golddog). The stem seems to be a reddish purple color. Are these dead? How long should I expect them to recover if they are going to ?
If they look like they are perking up you should be OK.
The color won't matter if they perk up, depends on the strain.


Rockwool cubes (I also use Rapid Rooters), Tray, timer,
Heating Pad(with thermostat control) 23w Flouro. :joint::peace:

I usually do 15 at a time, so I can sell 12 of them to a local club.


Well-Known Member
Here goes cloning made easy, this really isn't rocket science, don't make harder or do more than you have too.
1. Select your cuttings, I like about 3 inches of branch to work with. Just make sure that your branch is stiff so that it won't rot in the rockwool before rooting.
2. Take your cutting, making the cut with a sharp sharp pair of scissors or razor blade. I suggest wiping them down with alcohol first.
3. Place your cuttings in a bowl of water immediately, submersing them in the water, I like to add a drop of superthrive to the water but this is personal choice. Leave in the water for about 15 minutes, this ensures you don't have air in the stalk.
4. Take cutting dip in your root toner, be it gel or powder, cut the bottom of the cutting at a 45 degree angle. I cut after dipping to make sure that the bottom of the stem is clean to allow the water to be more easily drawn up the stem.
5. Place in your wet rockwool cube. People have different thoughts on this but I simply wet the cube place in the cutting and squeeze out excess water. Some say you have to presoak for a certain period of time but I have never found this to be helpful or harmful. Most commercial rockwool is Ph nuetral so I see no need for the extra forethought.
6. Place cuttings in a tray of somesort under a dome atop a heating pad, dsl modem of other low heat source.
7. Place this under your light source, I have great success with a simple 23 watt cfl and have cloned up to 12 at a time in this manner.
8. Mist daily, ensure the rockwool doesn't dry out and allow the dome to come off at least once a day to have good air exchange.

This is the method and steps I take each time I clone and haven't lost a clone in well over a year.
Hope this helps and Merry Christmas
This is pretty much my method as well. The only thing I would add is that on the cut, I would make it a 45 degree angle, rather than a straight across cut, and make sure to use a sharp razor blade or scalpel blade. I find the cleaner the cut, the better success rates. I never use scissors myself.
Other than that addition, this is what I do. Generally upwards of 100 % success rate using this method.

The soaking for a while to make sure of the removal of any air in the cut is also very vital I found.


New Member
I just got a bunch of clones..dude said they was ready for the big lights.. I potted them in dirt and watered ... some seem to b ok..a few of them are laying over..they still seem to b a lil stiff I mean looks like life in them but they are sagging pretty bad... is this normal?.. I was told that during the transplant that they may cannabilize themselves before taking to the this true?.. I feel like a bad babbysitter...please help..