Clones and Planting Without Roots???


Well-Known Member
hey everyone, i need to know if i can plant a baby clone that is in a peat pellet right into soil without the roots showing first??

i never had tried that b4 and was wondering if they would still root that way or not?

if anyone has done this b4 plz lemme know how it turned out..

thanks much n plus rep to ya..:peace:


Well-Known Member
hey everyone, i need to know if i can plant a baby clone that is in a peat pellet right into soil without the roots showing first??

i never had tried that b4 and was wondering if they would still root that way or not?

if anyone has done this b4 plz lemme know how it turned out..

thanks much n plus rep to ya..:peace:
Sure, why not? You can stick a clone straight into soil and get it to root.:wink:


Well-Known Member
you can i wouls sujjest using acloning hormone, and just make sure the soil is moist, not too wet and not too dry.


Active Member
Do everything everyone said, really moist soil, rooting hormone, but you also have to remember, clones require lots of moisture to survive so you need a humidity dome also, or at least mist plants 4 times a day


Well-Known Member
Have you tried cloning in a cup of water or make a DIY bubble cloner. They are super easy to make and mad cheap.:wink:
ive water cloned other houseplants, but not marijane. i should try n see what happens. i was successful b4 with it so maybe it might just work.. thanks for the idea..


Well-Known Member
Sure, I did it last month, because i was too lazy to get all my transplanting stuff out as new ones too root each day.LOL There were 5 left that hadn't rooted yet, so I threw them in when I transplanted the other ones that were rooted. They all took successfully.


Well-Known Member
also i have taken a small clone from a flowering plant. Now i know it will take longer to revert back to veg state. Does anyone know bout how long it might take for it to take root if it even will?? thanks..