clone tops?


Active Member
yeah clone it!! you can clone any shoots the plant has as long as they are healthy and you do it right!!


its got 3 nodes yeah i put it in water straight after, and i would say its really healthy, so it will work then???

thanks :)


sorry to hijack the thread, but can you clone a plant thats gone into flower?

I lost the mother so I'm looking to keep the strain going..


well, what i hear is that when its in the flowering stage is goes into shock and i dont think shock is good lol ;)

u could try with a branch i guess it wouldnt really hurt to try :)


sorry to hijack the thread, but can you clone a plant thats gone into flower?

I lost the mother so I'm looking to keep the strain going..
Yes you can. It takes a bit longer to root and once it does, it will take a while to go back into it's veg state. So its a longer process but it is possible.


Well-Known Member
You can improve your chances of success when cloning if you keep the clone in a humid environment for a week or two. This is simple enough--just plant the clone in a party cup, water it, and then cut the top of a 1 liter pepsi bottle and put it over the plant. This will keep the moisture in. Now, do not leave the bottle over the clone for too long as this technique will promote mold if done too long. Hope this helps.


You can improve your chances of success when cloning if you keep the clone in a humid environment for a week or two. This is simple enough--just plant the clone in a party cup, water it, and then cut the top of a 1 liter pepsi bottle and put it over the plant. This will keep the moisture in. Now, do not leave the bottle over the clone for too long as this technique will promote mold if done too long. Hope this helps.
should i let it air out every now and then. or just leave it for the week or 2???