clone problem

I have three gurles that are just hitting 10 weeks now are they to old or to young to start not to sure when to start i now how to i just dont now when to start plz help...

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
You can start cloning now. Take care because your stems will be hollow, unlike the clones taken from a seasoned cloned mother, which are not hollow. Don't touch the rooting area of the snip with your fingers because this will hinder the rooting process. When I do seeds I take a clone within the first three weeks. Mothers are best after one year of age.

newb weed grower

Active Member
hmm that a reat question even i dont know that thx fors asking now i can get the knoqledge
hmm clones while flowering seems possible to me

newb weed grower

Active Member
but at same time it makes me wi=onder how they make plant auto flower i dont wanna take ur thread
if i get the answer to ur question be fore u do i will tell u wow im glad umade me ask questions i havent asked before im sure i will grow in exsperience from this

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
is there such a thing as to late..when you cant clone nomore ort can you even clone in the flowering stage..
Ok everyone, there is a system that clones from budded mothers but I'm not going to discuss it because if you have to ask questions like this one you are not capable of running a prebudded system. If your plants are not budded they'll clone just fine.