Clone dying!!! Only one from full blown flower of mother plant!! HELP PLEASE!


Well-Known Member
I cut a clone off about 3 weeks ago from a plant that was in flower (didn't want to clone a MALE plant), as soon as I saw those first two pistils - out came the RAZOR!!!

I did everything correctly - I think: put on gloves, cut off a healthy branch that had leaves growing off of it and was about 6-8" long, trimmed the leaves to the branch (so that root's could possibly grow off them once buried), soaked the branch from the top three leaves, down in a Superthrive/fish emulsion/water mixture for about 15 mins (followed by cutting the bottom of the branch at a sharp angle while under the mixture), then COATED the branch in a Rooting hormone ( followed by a flick of the finger) and planted it in a complete mixture of 45% Peat Moss, %45 Perlite and 10% of organic potting soil. (that had a big enough hole in the medium so the hormone wouldn't "scrap" off - in a small dixie cup with drain holes). I soaked it with a spray bottle on a consistent basis and covered it with saran wrap (with holes poked in it for air) every other day. A tall thin piece of clothes hanger in the growing medium and a rubber band made this possible. (JUST think about it for a second and you'll picture it) lol. Like a tent!

Anyways, it seemed like it rooted... couldn't really tell! (it was green and looked EXACTLY like it did when I cut it off - so I figured it wasn't DYING, so it had to have grown a root system within the first 2 weeks!) I knew it would take some time to go back into vegging since it was in flowering mode. It didn't seem like it was growing any NEW growth though and their was still signs of "small pistil type things" - until the other day when SMALL leaves started to grow out of the center of the top of the clone!! I immediately thought, "time to transplant!!" and that's EXACTLY what I did.

Probably a dumb ass move because now it seems like it's dying!!! Here's what it looked like (excuse the new sprout, it was pulled - bag seed)! :-?

When I saw that new growth, I proceeded with the transplant: I again put on gloves and VERY carefully dropped it out of the dixie cup upside down (with the main stem between my fingers - it fell right out). I then began to VERY CAREFULLY pick apart the growing medium, PRAYING for roots! Well my prayers were answered but they took a minute to find! They were all in a ball (about the size of a small golf ball), at the VERY bottom of the clone/stem! I think the reason behind this is because the "ball" was on top of a bunch of stray pieces of bark/hard chunks of growing medium or some bullshit!? It's like it couldn't grow through it and the roots just halted! So instead of growing downwards/outwards or whatever - it couldn't grow anyway because it was like the bark pieces or w/e were SURROUNDING it! It was odd and pissed me off, BUT I HAD ROOTS DAMNIT!!! But because the roots were being blocked it started to almost grow backwards and weird... it kinda just twisted up in a ball in a sense. It essentially got "root bound" in a GROWING MEDIUM!!! lol :shock: But than again I'm sure it could've kept growing (eventually around/through it) if I would have gave it time to get past it. Well I didn't and this is what happened...

I just kind of got the dirt off the roots (not taking my time or anything) and placed it straight into my normal growing pot (3 gallon) ball and all. Grow medium/light's and light cycle - figuring it would start to flourish until it was done.... 5-6 daylight CFL's and 2 soft white cfls (my veg box - good ventilation and never breaks 85 degrees - what I've always used for vegging). It went on an immediate 20/4 light cycle and I used 70% soil, 15% perlite and 15% peat moss.... and started on some superthrive and low doses of vegging nutes. WELL THIS DID NOT WORK OUT WELL AT ALL!!! and this is how it looks NOW after I did another transplant to try and save it...

Here it is with the "humidity dome - should I even be using one of these??"

I inevitably pulled the roots apart VERY VERY VERY carefully and got it to looking like some straight down typish roots (like this - but I couldn't get them ALL apart and super clean like this obviously, though I DID get 3 damn good sized roots (2 1/2") free'd and a lot of small ones as well)... I then soaked them in a fish kelp/superthrive/H20 solution for about 15 mins and steadily tried to free as many roots as I could. Next I took the rooting hormone and caked all of the "ball" and loose roots. Then I took a clear tupperware container and filled it with 50/50 perlite and peat moss and made a new humidity done (showed in pics). Then I just gave it a SMALL amount of superthrive/h20 and h20/fish emulsion, to try and boost it. I soaked it one good time with pure water first, just so the rootball would settle in the new "pot".

Does this all seem like it was done correctly? Why is this plant dying if it has a semi DECENT root system? Now it's in something that stays humid, hot, loaded with organic fertilizer, B vitamins, gets plenty of oxygen and I feel like the roots should fucking EXPLODE and this plant should take off.....? Right?

Thanks for any input ahead of time!


Well-Known Member
AH GOD! PLEASE SOMEONE!!!! Do I need a humidity dome on this? How wet do I keep it? PH is good.... Temp. at 85, no less than 70-75 at "night"! Nutes, just water? ANYTHING at this point, rapidly dying but still "good roots"


Well-Known Member
anyone? Please!!! I really need help with this clone as it was going to carry me into the spring!!! Something is not right here, I'm not sure what to do. Do the old leaves usually die like this and the new growth will continue to grow from the middle? I really can't lose this thing as it is the only thing that is guaranteed to be another female for me right now! Roots looked okay before transplant, just kind of balled up a little. But it is in a complete 50/50 mix of perlite and peatmoss. I water everyday with a mister ( as I put it on back under the humidity dome, figured it would be better for the roots under that..... )I superthrive/water it from the bottom of the bowl up ( through the drain holes) every couple days. HEEEEEEELP!!


Well-Known Member
pretty sure your supposed to take clones before it goes into flowering
you can clone a flowering plant.

i will try to help you. i think it might be too hot in there for your clone. this is in a speaker case right? is it getting fresh air? it doesn't need much light. mine do fine with little light. i don't water my clones like a plant tho. i just spray mist them a couple of times a day. i trim the "mother" and stick it in perlite/soil with superthrive-h2o. then mist daily. idk if messing with the roots fucked it up but let's hope not.

shot, i don't know how much help you are gonna get here. i am pretty sure it has to do with your crack hash thread. you were a dick to me when i tried to tell you that you posted a pic of your credit/debit card :peace:


Well-Known Member
pretty sure your supposed to take clones before it goes into flowering
Thank you for that wonderful info... THAT EVERYONE AND THEIR MOTHER'S GRANDMOTHER KNOWS!!!!! AH!!!!

You ARE supposed to take a clone before going into flowering, you are correct "pot head". I don't like to take clones of males though, ya see? Or do you do that? lol jk.... So I HAD to wait for the plant to show she was indeed a female! Which took about 6 days of a 12/12 light cycle..... it was cut RIGHT THEN and planted and thrown back into the 20/4 veg box with a humidity dome. Not rocket science, ya dig?

It's just.... well..... THINK. Before you or anyone post anything on ANYONES post, not just mine - that's for sure!! Does this have anything to do with the questions asked? No. Did he already explain this in the post? Yes. Did I read the post? Guess not good enough........ things like that help a lot with your posting material and reflection of yourself. I may be reflecting crazed, complete dick head, like "WINNING"! If that's the case, then my point has been made.

SOMEONE OUT THERE knows what is wrong with my plant and what I need to do..... it's disheartening because I feel like a decent guy. But what the hell, fuck it... guess everyone is just dumb founded like me!


Well-Known Member
you can clone a flowering plant.

i will try to help you. i think it might be too hot in there for your clone. this is in a speaker case right? is it getting fresh air? it doesn't need much light. mine do fine with little light. i don't water my clones like a plant tho. i just spray mist them a couple of times a day. i trim the "mother" and stick it in perlite/soil with superthrive-h2o. then mist daily. idk if messing with the roots fucked it up but let's hope not.

shot, i don't know how much help you are gonna get here. i am pretty sure it has to do with your crack hash thread. you were a dick to me when i tried to tell you that you posted a pic of your credit/debit card :peace:
Haha... yea sorry about that bro! Just the way I act, I try to be funny but it comes out as a dickhead move. I'll try to work on it but thanks a lot for your input and btw I DID fix that credit card thing lol..... The Crack Hash post has turned me into an enemy for I don't know what reason?

EDIT: Anyways, to answer your questions.... yes it's in a huge 5 foot speaker box but with two 3 speed, 10 inch fans - one going in, one going out! So it gets good air circulation, hell it stays cooler than my FLOWER BOX!!! (I think I have 5-6 Daylight CFLs and 2 Soft White CFL's in there - it's pretty bright because it's painted white and I got a good ass reflector *where the clone is - speaker*) I got it under the dome again and doing exactly as you said (misting in the dome and letting it soak superthrive/h20 through a bowl (from the bottom up), just trying to build that root system. I think me pulling the roots apart helped more than injured!


Well-Known Member
hmmm maybe dude, it sounds like you're doing the right thing with the clone, i understand your frustration, good luck :peace:


Active Member
Thank you for that wonderful info... THAT EVERYONE AND THEIR MOTHER'S GRANDMOTHER KNOWS!!!!! AH!!!!

You ARE supposed to take a clone before going into flowering, you are correct "pot head". I don't like to take clones of males though, ya see? Or do you do that? lol jk.... So I HAD to wait for the plant to show she was indeed a female! Which took about 6 days of a 12/12 light cycle..... it was cut RIGHT THEN and planted and thrown back into the 20/4 veg box with a humidity dome. Not rocket science, ya dig?
If you did your research you would know that you don't have to put your plant into flowering just to tell its sex "ya see". A cannabis plant will show its sex after the first 4 weeks of its life. Also if you weren't such a fucking dick to people when they are trying to answer your questions then you might actually get some help, "ya dig". Stop trying to act cool and treat people with respect and you'll get the help you need. It might not be rocket science but you sure as hell need to do some more research on cloning because that plant is fucked.


The plant might survive. Pull it out and leave it in a cup of tap water for a week or so give it some light for new growth then re dip in your cloning powder then plant in wet soil and re create your humidity dome then give it very very dull light.


Well-Known Member
If you did your research you would know that you don't have to put your plant into flowering just to tell its sex "ya see". A cannabis plant will show its sex after the first 4 weeks of its life. Also if you weren't such a fucking dick to people when they are trying to answer your questions then you might actually get some help, "ya dig". Stop trying to act cool and treat people with respect and you'll get the help you need. It might not be rocket science but you sure as hell need to do some more research on cloning because that plant is fucked.
Ok loser, its a joke ....... change your tampon and stop crying, sensitive ass clown. Actually you're a joke and my cool ass really shouldn't even reply to this nonsense. None the less, I will.

There were no signs of sex on this plant until EXACTLY 2 1/2 months OF VEG and then after flowering for 6 days. Period. You MUST be a rocket scientist because no 1 on this forum, not even moderators could figure out if it was a male or female UNTIL I put it into flower for 6 days and it showed its first two white pistils!!

Don't believe me? Go check all 50 threads i started and read up n see broski! See how many ppl knew, none. Not a single person new, because there were NO signs at all dick brain.


Well-Known Member
Ok loser, its a joke ....... change your tampon and stop crying, sensitive ass clown. Actually you're a joke and my cool ass really shouldn't even reply to this nonsense. None the less, I will.

There were no signs of sex on this plant until EXACTLY 2 1/2 months OF VEG and then after flowering for 6 days. Period. You MUST be a rocket scientist because no 1 on this forum, not even moderators could figure out if it was a male or female UNTIL I put it into flower for 6 days and it showed its first two white pistils!!

Don't believe me? Go check all 50 threads i started and read up n see broski! See how many ppl knew, none. Not a single person new, because there were NO signs at all dick brain.
That will get you help for sure....


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, I would say that you just messed with it too much...I always cut a branch off, not even one that is a specific length usually a puny bottom branch, and i cut it at a 45 degree angle or thereabouts, I don't wear gloves, and rarely do I use any rooting hormone...then I put the branch in a jiffy pot soaked in tap water, or isometimes my homemade "little ghetto cloner" TM--a bowl of tupperware with a small airstone and a bit of styrofoam in it..I put the plant through the foam and it just sort of floats around in there til it has roots...I have never "inspected" or picked apart the roots...I have nearly killed a few plants with my excitement for their continued health in many different ways, but never from transplanting over and over and over...seems like a bad idea from the get go...although I am sure you didn't ask for help so people would tell you what you did wrong, anyway if there is new growth I would stop with the dome and let done be done, but for the love of maryjane don't give it anymore nutes til it starts looking like a plant again, if it does...Really all you can do at this point is wait and see what happens I think...I have had plants look like total hell and recover... So hopefully it will, but next time do not transplant til the damn thing has really started to grow, and don't pick at the new roots...


Active Member
Ok loser, its a joke ....... change your tampon and stop crying, sensitive ass clown. Actually you're a joke and my cool ass really shouldn't even reply to this nonsense. None the less, I will.

There were no signs of sex on this plant until EXACTLY 2 1/2 months OF VEG and then after flowering for 6 days. Period. You MUST be a rocket scientist because no 1 on this forum, not even moderators could figure out if it was a male or female UNTIL I put it into flower for 6 days and it showed its first two white pistils!!

Don't believe me? Go check all 50 threads i started and read up n see broski! See how many ppl knew, none. Not a single person new, because there were NO signs at all dick brain.
ok Broski! lol. Basicly the plant at about 4 weeks start showing signs of preflowers, these preflowers will grow pistils if it is female, males have small pollen sacks.But I'll save you the rest of this long winded reply and just throw you some links. Google goes a long way, bro. <-- Link


Well-Known Member
Haha... yea sorry about that bro! Just the way I act, I try to be funny but it comes out as a dickhead move. I'll try to work on it but thanks a lot for your input and btw I DID fix that credit card thing lol..... The Crack Hash post has turned me into an enemy for I don't know what reason?

EDIT: Anyways, to answer your questions.... yes it's in a huge 5 foot speaker box but with two 3 speed, 10 inch fans - one going in, one going out! So it gets good air circulation, hell it stays cooler than my FLOWER BOX!!! (I think I have 5-6 Daylight CFLs and 2 Soft White CFL's in there - it's pretty bright because it's painted white and I got a good ass reflector *where the clone is - speaker*) I got it under the dome again and doing exactly as you said (misting in the dome and letting it soak superthrive/h20 through a bowl (from the bottom up), just trying to build that root system. I think me pulling the roots apart helped more than injured!

you sir are a fucking dick


Well-Known Member
why didn't you take clones a few weeks ago and put them into flowering to see if your plant was female instead of vegging for so long waiting till it was flowering then taking clones? seems you are a mong