clf to HID


Hi all, i wanted to ask should i start my plants under clf, then change to an HID light, to prevent burning at first. and if so how long untill i should make the switch, or just straight to HID as soon as they break ground. i will be thankful for any feedback.


Well-Known Member
you dont need cfls at all you can use a hps from seed to harvest. just be sure that you dont put the hps too close to small plants.


Well-Known Member
If you mean CFL than yes to from CFL's to HID is great. I switch to my HPS when i am ready to flower.
I usually veg under CFL's. I get bushier plants to start with. My vegbox which is a modified footlocker, holds 8 plants in 16 oz cups (4 X 23 watt CFL's & 2 X 20 flouro's). I run them in there to beef them up.

I usually transplant into a 1 gallon to develop more roots and put them under Metal Halide for a week or so if I want more height. Then I put them in larger pots to flower.

As they are already pretty strong, they take the HID a lot better, haven't lost any yet, doing it this way.

Good Luck :leaf:
you dont need cfls at all you can use a hps from seed to harvest. just be sure that you dont put the hps too close to small plants.
I use a T5 system for veg which saves on electricity and saves on managing the heat given off by the HPS/MH. But yes you can use a HPS all the way through.