Claber Oasis drip system


Active Member
Had to find a last minute solution to watering my ladies when I was out of town. I had a Claber Oasis shipped 2 day air. I had two dripper nozzles in the flowering large plants and one nozzle for each freshly rooted clone. Almost all look like crap!

I had a feeling they would be some what dry, but I just got home to terror! About 1/3 of the 6.6 gal container was used. It was set to use all 6.6 gallons in 10 days. I was gone for 7 of those 10.

They are ALIVE, which I am grateful for. I watered the shit out of all of them and will check back in the morning when the lights are back on.

The buds did get super fat while I was gone and now smell VERY strong so all is not lost.

Wanted to give a review if anyone was considering this system. I will be researching something new for next trip. I would imagine this set up would work properly for very small plants. It was not giving the proper dosage of water. The container should have been at least 2/3 empty.:wall: