Christianity has been debunked once and for all

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We Love 1

New Member
Instead of rockets, We should "slingshot" objects into space. Just think BIG!

Also, why don't We harvest electricity from quartz?

Quartz crystals have piezoelectric properties, that is they develop an electric potential upon the application of mechanical stress. An early use of this property of quartz crystals was in phonograph pickups. One of the most common piezoelectric uses of quartz today is as a crystal oscillator. The quartz clock is a familiar device using the mineral. The resonant frequency of a quartz crystal oscillator is changed by mechanically loading it, and this principle is used for very accurate measurements of very small mass changes in the quartz crystal microbalance and in thin-film thickness monitors.

Quartz (from German Quarz (help·info)[1]) is the most abundant mineral in the Earth's continental crust (although feldspar is more common in the world as a whole).

Gasoline is an obsolete fuel, hydrogen is the way! Learn about it :D

I believe in "aliens", its a big universe, think about it.

We are here!


The REVOLUTION has begun!



We Love 1

New Member
Instead of rockets, We should "slingshot" objects into space. Just think BIG!
Lets shoot water to the moon :D

Can someone just explain The Truth to me? I have many questions :confused:

What kind of Angel do You want to be? I choose to be good.

~WeL come~


The REVOLUTION has begun!




Well-Known Member
I'll fight for what's right and good no matter how evil and psychotic and powerful the other side is.
And apparently they are extreme in all those ways. lol

Tribal Geathering

Active Member
Should i debunk Cristmas also .

Anybody putting up there Cristmas tree then ??????? lmao

And i always love my easter egg,s in spring . Do i have to debunk them now too lol .

How about the Kid,s Cristmas panto .

Shit man i think some of are tradations are cool id hate to lose them .


dude go to a house where supernatural spirits exsist, stay there one night and then we'll see what the fuck you say, ron paul is an idiot and so are his followers, WHICH is why hes not president, not saying anything is real or not real, but dont post religion is debunked and start talking about aliens and shooting stuff to the moon with slingshots, your truly an idiot sorry but reflect on what u just said, pz


oh and btw you should learn about hydrogen, costs more natural oil to produce the hydrogen cells than its really worth, thats why we dont have water cars driving around, YOU learn about it


Active Member
The greatest fairy tale ever told, but if you truly do believe in God 100% without fooling yourself it can be very powerful and hopeful.


Active Member
I read a good bit of this and it its unbelievable how angery the non-believers are .

No offence (it might seem offencive)But the one,s cursing are just sounding like angery childern thats mad at there parents for some reson or other and insulting happy people that get on with the life,s The are happy with there faith the same way you should be if you believe it so much instead of cursing off people for believeing somthng

Fair enough if you do believe or not .


We Love 1

New Member
I'll fight for what's right and good no matter how evil and psychotic and powerful the other side is.
And apparently they are extreme in all those ways. lol
Same here. I'll fight for whats right too!

Power to the people! :peace:

:mrgreen: Lets shoot for the stars! We will surely be living on the Moon and Mars in time.:mrgreen:

oh and btw you should learn about hydrogen, costs more natural oil to produce the hydrogen cells than its really worth, thats why we dont have water cars driving around, YOU learn about it

Also, solar panels are getting a lot cheaper and more efficent.

So We need to get hydrogen generators connected to compressors that will compress the hydrogen into scuba tanks and than connect it to Our cars. We can produce this fuel in Our own homes, just paying for the price of water and electricity. :D


The REVOLUTION has begun!




Well-Known Member
i have no problem with athiests and i respect their beliefs but if people something teaches you to love your family, always do the right thing and do the best you can WHAT IS WRONG WITH THAT?
seriously the peole who sit and they pray in the privacy of their own home and go to church and don't bother those who don't believe and are not open to idea religion how do you think they feel?
It is natural that we should love our families, and it is great if something has inspired you to be more diligent about doing that. It is the "always do the right thing" that gets tricky. When something as vast as the Bible is used as an ultimate source of law, teaching us what that "right thing" is, there will naturally be as many different interpretations as there are readers. The problem is that not everybody takes that message of love from religion. Many, many, people use it as a tool of oppression. It gives righteousness to their malice. The message you extract is love, and that is good. Simple, internal moral philosophy could hardly do better, but it could do the same thing. Moral philosophy could not, however, be used to harm people the same way that religion can be. Do you really think that if you simply taught a child, through showing them, to love and respect their family, that they would not be able to do it without religion?

I read a good bit of this and it its unbelievable how angry the non-believers are .

No offense (it might seem offensive)But the one's cursing are just sounding like angry children thats mad at there parents for some reason or other and insulting happy people that get on with the life's. They are happy with their faith the same way you should be if you believe it so much instead of cursing off people for believing something

Fair enough if you do believe or not .
It is easy for somebody who believes in god to be okay with people who don't. The only thing at stake is their soul, and that is their problem. Unfortunately, the athiest does not have that luxury. We all know we have one life. When a person is not allowed to live theirs as they choose, based on somebody elses adherence to a set of rules, then it becomes an urgent and completely unacceptable tragedy. They are swearing and angry because their countries' scientists are not allowed to pursue promising and available stem cell research to cure their diseases, for no reason other than religious sentiment. They are also swearing because any 18 year old with genitals can get married and produce children they can't care for before getting divorced, and do, while couples who have been together for 30 years can't express themselves as a legal unit, for no other reason than religious sentiment, based solely on the fact that they don't have the ability to shit more children into an already overcrowded system.

We Love 1

New Member
. They are swearing and angry because their countries' scientists are not allowed to pursue promising and available stem cell research to cure their diseases, for no reason other than religious sentiment.

based solely on the fact that they don't have the ability to shit more children into an already overcrowded system.
I'm down with stem cell research! We should be building, and living, in pyramid buildings in the skies and underground cities! Paradise is just around the corner! So I say We need more babies to fill the empty space for the underground cities!

Bring on the kids because there is going to be plenty of good paying jobs! Underground and pyramid cities is the future!

The interesting thing about underground cities is that the more We escavate, the bigger perimeter the Earth is going to have. And thats a good thing! There is plenty of space underground!

We need some distilleries to convert the ocean water to fresh.

Than We can go to the Moon! :D

Paradise will come!


The REVOLUTION has begun!




Active Member

Tonight something out of the ordinary happened to me. Someone put a piece of paper under me with only the text

"". I'm used to things being put under me but this was new, and exciting.

To my surprise when I read the link there was nothing on the page about how to deal with ice, best techniques for wiping off dry bird crap, or how to wipe faster (*use lube). I even tried wiping my windshield while I read it but that didn't help :(.

Maybe you of you guys just wanted to share. If that's the case I'd like to share the wiki entry on Windshield washer fluid. I freaking LOVE this stuff!

It's insane how awesome windshield wiper fluid is.

* edit: Don't use lube on your windshield. It's "streaky".


Well-Known Member

Tonight something out of the ordinary happened to me. Someone put a piece of paper under me with only the text

"". I'm used to things being put under me but this was new, and exciting.

To my surprise when I read the link there was nothing on the page about how to deal with ice, best techniques for wiping off dry bird crap, or how to wipe faster (*use lube). I even tried wiping my windshield while I read it but that didn't help :(.

Maybe you of you guys just wanted to share. If that's the case I'd like to share the wiki entry on Windshield washer fluid. I freaking LOVE this stuff!

It's insane how awesome windshield wiper fluid is.
LOL. Wow you must be smoking some excellent weed :-P


Active Member
LOL. Wow you must be smoking some excellent weed :-P
That reminds me of a really great story. (Trip Report)

One day I was just chilling on my windshield doing nothing right and then there's like something wet ALL OVER THE WINDSHIELD! I don't know what happened next, it was like primal, I started whipping around back and forth wiping like crazy! I was like "holy shit! I was fucking BORN to do this! Wiping is awesome!!!!! :bigjoint:

I've tried wiping lots of times since then but that first time was by far the best, it was like, spiritual.

5:15 wipe every day


Well-Known Member
The greatest fairy tale ever told, but if you truly do believe in God 100% without fooling yourself it can be very powerful and hopeful.
If that mentality helps some people that's fine just so long as those who harbor that mentality don't go around implying that those who don't are screwed up. That's what the problem with the Christians is. They can't subscribe to their religious beliefs without implying that those who don't are screwed up.


Active Member
I dont dig shit scrubbing man ... It is one of a million pass times for the unemployed stoner tribe .

In my spair time i pray to jesus lmao Only joking i like to tie bangers to old people,s doors and then ring there bell when i light them and record on my phone lol

People the like to let others that they pray and go to mass are just hypocrites looking to be seen as good living people .

People that pray and tell,s no one are cool people and should be respected

And the one,s insulting each other because they believe in god or the dont believe are just little girlies


Active Member
>>I have no connection to the Unintimidated Press other than being an occasional visitor. I do admit that I like a lot of the things on that site but that's it. Secondly, my name isn't "Jesse." But it sounds to me like you're trying to expose someone and maybe that should be brought to the attention of the moderators.>>

Yes, I think it should. Jesse A, (owner and writer of the said site) also goes by the name of TrishMyBiscuits (as under your sig) on a couple of forums. What a strange coincidence that you both use the same name and have no connection whatsoever? Life is funny....

>>>And lastly, you have got to be the biggest hypocrite on the face of the planet. In that same post you called for this thread to be deleted. So what's wrong with that? Well, let's put it this way. At the time you made that post this thread had long since faded from the leaderboard. If you didn't dredge it back up it would've just faded off into oblivion. If you think it should deleted then why did you dredge it back up you God-damned, fuckin', wretched, stinking, dipshit, moron, hypocrite?>>

LOL! I have rarely laughed so much in all my life. I go away for a couple of months, hoping on my return to read a cogent, insightful response as to why your debunking of christianity is nonsense. Is this seriously the best you can do? The intellectual who posts that his logic is beyond dispute and that anyone who dares to question him is either wrong or a closet christian. LOL!....Sorry, I keep reading 'god-damned, fuckin', etc and it makes me laugh so much....Bwahahahahaha. Suddenly the face of intellect is dropped and the real 'man' appears.

Nothing then to back up your argument about having destroyed christianity, or why people did really believe in a flat earth as you've claimed for so long? Nahhhh, didn't think so...

See you on your other forums.

Kindest regards,
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