chloramine in water

Fuckin water companies said:
Chloramine is responsible for numerous massive fish kills in the country, thousands of people suffering adverse health symptoms from persistent rashes, respiratory and digestive problems to lead poisoning. The long term effects include cancers and birth defects. This stuff literally eats rubber and corrodes pipes. Citizen activists in 7 states are fighting to stop its use. Recently we have been joined by Erin Brockovich's environmental group. we need numbers and identification necessary. Please circulate the chloramine websites among your communities and ask people to sign the petition to stop the use of chloramine in our drinking water systems. ,, I have heard from a number of growers who tell me that their yields are down, leaves are brown and roots and plants are stunted as a result of the change to chloramine. I would like to hear from anyone who can attribute these and other effects to chloramine. Thanks!


Hi everyone. Just wanted to say that you do not need to buy expensive water cleaning systems to get rid of chloramine.
A teaspoon of humic acid in can neutralize chloramines in 100 gallons of water depending on how much chloramine there is.

A good measurement is to put in humic acid until you see the water change colour. Good luck everyone.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. Just wanted to say that you do not need to buy expensive water cleaning systems to get rid of chloramine.
A teaspoon of humic acid in can neutralize chloramines in 100 gallons of water depending on how much chloramine there is.

A good measurement is to put in humic acid until you see the water change colour. Good luck everyone.
Old post I no but is this true


Well-Known Member
Old post yes but seems to be something to it from this page. Then again it's not that clear. UV or over chlorinating then gassing off .

Chlorine and chloramines kill the nitrifying bacteria that fix nitrogen from the air
into the soil. Hence additional nitrogen must be supplied to the plants to rep
the loss of free nitrogen from nature.
Container plants
(hanging baskets, pots, etc.)
are more susceptible to
from chloramines
as they tend to require more watering.
Studies have shown that
chloramines hurt
the germination of seeds from
species of plan
Chloramine is neutralized in the soil by reactions with organic matter, destroying
it in the process. Organic matter in the form of humus can hold 15 times its
weight in water, hence the soil loses some of its ability to hold and stor
e water.
Chloramine hurts the production of compost tea as it kills off some of the
microbial species that one is trying to grow to high densities. Note: One teaspoon
of humic acid
(liquid form of humate)
can neutralize the chloramines in 100
gallons of
water depending on the exact concentration of chloramines