

Well-Known Member
Chesney is my attempt to bring a dank clone only cheese plant into seed form.

I started two years ago after obtaining the cut that grows some of the most potent weed in my area, weed that people come back for time and time again. I've been smoking for fifteen years morning till night. I need strong weed, the strongest weed. I don't bother with Mids. So, if i wanted to make a clone only into seed form, I needed a plan.

I considered that if I wanted to breed back to the original female that I should start with a male that has similar genetics. A friend of mine crosses the O.G. strains and he suggested that I try Tahoe, which is itself a similar attempt at making a clone only into seed form. What I liked about Tahoe was that it reminded me of a fruity skunk, but lacked the impact of the cheese clone when smoked. This was good news... as I wanted the female's genes to completely dominate...

And they did... right from the outset the majority of females were very cheesy, and quite a few growers bred them out with every female a keeper. Indeed the only bad thing about this strain is the yield. You're talking middling yields... but every bud will be tight, frosty and flavoursome. Top quality med's... I smoke it myself... and I simply wouldn't smoke anything less than top drawer.

After that I bred one of the seed males with the mother plant and produced more seeds... each time I would select a male that smelled the most cheesy. I did this for two years in total and have now completed what I set out to do.

Aside from super potency and flavour, this plant also is completely powdery mildew immune, as well as excellent resistance to bud rot. I've not witnessed a case of budrot yet, but if you're growing 10oz plants indoors then it's always a consideration. In regards to PM, you can sit these plants next to others that are covered in it and they will not catch it. So, she makes a great outdoor strain too, IMO...

The pix included in this thread are of a chesney-cheese seed, all of them healthy with nice striping... and the other three pix are from a fellow farmer that grew one out.

This will be my personal journal. I'm starting 20 beans tomorrow. Please feel free to ask any questions... or even just to chat about the weather... feel free to derail my thread, it's easy enough to get back on track. Thank you for reading.


Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
This the bud you posted in the Frostiest Buds section?... I am amazed. What a brilliant hobby you have here. It paid off in spades. I am very inspired by this. Thanks for sharing this.