Cheney pulls back muscle, in wheelchair for inauguration


New Member
Cheney has some huge balls. Seriously, I think he has toilet paper specially made with pictures of American Icons like the Statue of Liberty, Abe Lincoln, etc. on them and uses it to wipe his ass.


New Member
What pisses me off SO much about the right is that the VP candidate can call obama a terrorist ..can you imagine the uproar if a LOW power dem said that about a republican.. they'd be rioting in the streets.. evangelists would be fainting at the pulpit.. there'd be calls to hang them, yet palin did it and McCain said shit.. I liked him till then.. Imagine if a dem outed a cia agent (Plame)..they'd be up to their eyeballs in feds and courts..... hypocrisy, Republican is thy name.........
Wait! The lowly Dems HAVE been saying that about Republicans all along. Check out the posts in this forum for proof. Hey, the lowest of the low, Med and Grow Rebel, are famous for calling Bush and Cheney "terrorists." :lol:



New Member
Wait! The lowly Dems HAVE been saying that about Republicans all along. Check out the posts in this forum for proof. Hey, the lowest of the low, Med and Grow Rebel, are famous for calling Bush and Cheney "terrorists." :lol:

Well, the lowly dems kicked your conservative ass, eh Redd. Now stop it and take your medicine like a good little righty,~LOL~. Watch out, the boogie-man might raise your taxes, Ho Ho Ho. BTW, you still trying to pay back Uncle all that money you stole from him,~LOL~.


New Member
Well, the lowly dems kicked your conservative ass, eh Redd. Now stop it and take your medicine like a good little righty,~LOL~. Watch out, the boogie-man might raise your taxes, Ho Ho Ho. BTW, you still trying to pay back Uncle all that money you stole from him,~LOL~.
Actually Med, the dems kicked the Republican's asses, not the Conservative's asses. You need to learn the difference between the two.



New Member
Obama kicked the Lobbyists asses, now what?
Hopefully, he'll really grow a pair and sign an executive order to rescind the charter for the Federal Reserve.

For his second go-round, he can meet with Congress and start laying out a plan to abolish the IRS, the tax on income ... and replace it with an excise tax.

I've already mentioned turning the Pentagon into a Triangle in another post.



Well-Known Member
Hopefully, he'll really grow a pair and sign an executive order to rescind the charter for the Federal Reserve.

For his second go-round, he can meet with Congress and start laying out a plan to abolish the IRS, the tax on income ... and replace it with an excise tax.

I've already mentioned turning the Pentagon into a Triangle in another post.

If he does that, I might have to start agreeing that he is "The One", lol.


New Member
Why do you want to turn the pentagon into a triangle? Are you wanting it to be a pyramid to represent the pyramid scheme that our government seems to have turned into?


Well-Known Member
I'm always thinking, it's all I do, even when I'm trying to sleep.........
to bad you couldnt think while you are shot a lawyer for christs sake...who in here does not want to shoot a lawyer in the face with buck shot? give cheney a pass on that..and for cheney being very clever and making all that to give him props for that too...such as haliburton..and cheneys oil..very clever...oh yea..and about this cant just let someone country or group of people keep bombing and attacking your interests around the world..i think bush and cheney are had you liberals panties in a complete draft you good for nothing's up and make you fight in wars like iran..syria...iraq...pakistan...afghanistan...the terrorists country's and those that support them would have been carpet bombed the first little bitch bawl babys would have had something to cry about sure i would have me a nice big war criminal least the economy would be going good too....all you clowns would be wearing uniforms and employed or manifacturing bombs and bullets...this country is full of fucking pussys...grow a set of balls....


Well-Known Member
to bad you couldnt think while you are shot a lawyer for christs sake...who in here does not want to shoot a lawyer in the face with buck shot? give cheney a pass on that..and for cheney being very clever and making all that to give him props for that too...such as haliburton..and cheneys oil..very clever...oh yea..and about this cant just let someone country or group of people keep bombing and attacking your interests around the world..i think bush and cheney are had you liberals panties in a complete draft you good for nothing's up and make you fight in wars like iran..syria...iraq...pakistan...afghanistan...the terrorists country's and those that support them would have been carpet bombed the first little bitch bawl babys would have had something to cry about sure i would have me a nice big war criminal least the economy would be going good too....all you clowns would be wearing uniforms and employed or manifacturing bombs and bullets...this country is full of fucking pussys...grow a set of balls....
Ladies and gentlemen, The Douche-Bag in chief has concluded his may now be seated.


New Member
Ladies and gentlemen, The Douche-Bag in chief has concluded his may now be seated.
Hey max, I guess you just lost a popularity contest, eh? Don't feel like the lone ranger, I have my detractors on here as well, in fact I believe you are one,~LOL~.


New Member
For the Cheney and bush assholes the hate never stops. Clinton screwed an intern, bush Cheney screwed the country in a dry slide. So kiss my ass with all your stop the hate crap. These ass holes need to be gang raped in prison by some gitmo detainees.


New Member
There is a difference between getting a blow job and causing the whole country to take it up the ass. The sooner you realize that, the better off you will be.


Well-Known Member
Hey max, I guess you just lost a popularity contest, eh? Don't feel like the lone ranger, I have my detractors on here as well, in fact I believe you are one,~LOL~.
sometimes i actualy can see your point of view when you use logic in your im not ALWAYS your detractor...but you dont normally use normally your least we both have a fan club....lolbongsmilie