Checking soil ph


Well-Known Member
Hey RIU, I just got my digital ph pen. I calibrated to 7.0 with the solution it came with. I wanted to test my soil ph. So I just watered and used some runnoff water to test. Im using distilled water with a ph of 7.2. The ph of the runnoff is 6.7. My question is did I do this right? Is 6.7 a good ph? Im using fox farm ocean forest soil. Also my pen said not to let the probe dry out so Im keeping it in the solution that it came with. I put some solution in the cap and put the cap on the pen. Is that ok to do? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
be carefull to only get the first second of runoff for the more accurate reading , that ph is good and thats how your ment to keep the node wet by keeping water in the little cap , make sure u top it up every week because even if u dont use it the water still manages to disapate somehow and the node will dry up