Check my gear! I'm SOexcited!!


I recentley upgraded from a sheisty closet grow with lots of probs to a much more thought out (and expensive) Secret Jardin.

Lemme know what yall think. I cant fucking wait to get started!!!

The black plate and bowl in the back of the tent is germinating some Vanilla Kush and Blue Cheese. The PLAN is to have a mother of each up top. I'll start by adding four clones of whichever plant is looking for giving, and in four more weeks start the clones from the other mother.

I'm pretty proud of my fan set up. I saw that muffler design done by SmokinTrichs on another forum and I'm glad I did. He really put some thought into it, and its so much more than just a tube with eggcrate in it. Though the muffler helped enormously, the fan was still to loud. I wasn't willing to build a seperate box, and living in an apartment, drilling holes in the ceiling didn't seem too appropriate. I drilled two holes in either side of my work cabinet and mounted the fan on some rubber feet to the top shelf. The height and position of the exhaust on the light compared to the fans intake is PERFECT! To help with noise even a touch more I bought insulated ducting.

Up top I have the TekTwo from HTG. I was originally gonna go with the TekFour, but the guy at the HTG said this would be sufficient. Also, the only exhaust up there is a 6" Growbright inline so temp and air exchange are already on my mind... The TekFour would prolly do more damage than good as far as keeping as pleasant enviroment.

Down below I have a 400w magnetic HPS/MH inside a EasyCool6, both from HTG. I also have their 250w HPS/MW sitting around... just in case. Behind the light you can see my CAN carbon filter. Now, I like DIY just as much as the next guy, but when it comes to odors, I'm not fuckin around.

The two tubs in the bottom I made myself. 18 gallon Rubbermaids with four 3.75" netpots in each. There wont be much vegging time so room wont be an issue for the plants or their roots. I did learn what I felt was an important lesson in that project so anyone with DWC on the mind listen up. The containers I bought were brand name Rubbermaids, but they weren't the Roughnecks. I brought them home and put TWO coats of Krylon Fusion on them and I still have some light penetration. Next time, its Roughnecks all the way.

Anyhow, that looks like thats about it. Please feel free to critique any flaws you may see, but lets be constructive about it. Can't wait to hear what y'all think!


Well-Known Member
nice everything looks good. I seen that bucket muffler somewhere to but cant for the life of me figure out where it was, i know he gave a tutorial on how to make it. A link would be nice. you got a legit set up, looks like you spent some money .