Cheap 12 volt cell phone chargers

I am planning to use five 120 mm fans to cool my grow room but I cannot find any cheap 12 volt cell phone chargers online and the only spare ones I have at my house are 5 volts....

Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
cellphone chargers are 5v

look for a power adaptor from an electrical shop like radioshack.

if you plan on running 5 pc fans you may need a power adaptor for each fan to be safe.

i use 2x120mm each is connected to its own 12v 1000mA adaptor .



Well-Known Member
make sure the power adapter is 120% larger than the combined milliamps of ALL connected fans or you will run into problems.......

a cell phone charger does NOT carry enough milliamps to run even a single small pc fan.... they will work, but only for a short time, either the power supply or fan goes bad, no warning.