

Well-Known Member
The Trainwreck and White Rhino is from The greenhouse Seed Company. These pics are from day 14 (since potted & put in veg room). The 4 WR plants are all growing with exactly the same structure, I have heard there is almost no phenotype variations with Greenhouses WR genetics. i have 1 Trainwreck though that seems to be growing faster and more symmetrical structure, this is also the plant that is showing purple already. The other 3 TW plants seem to be the same pheno growing a little slower than the rest of the group. Thanks for stopping by everyone and enjoy the new pics.



Well-Known Member
Here is day 35 in the SCROG. The resin production keeps blowing me away day by day. I am going to get some blazin weed/hash this time.



Well-Known Member
Nice pictures! Quite a gallery you got goin on there. Im pretty pissed about how my grow is turning out. I let all my plants get too big and the others were poisoned with bushmaster. Im so fucking jealous of your plants. Thats okay. I got plenty of clones to take. I feel like I didnt make a detailed enough grow journal and I mis judged how these plants streach. Ive never seen a main stem just bulk up like that in only a few days. anyway-
Keep up the good work!:)


Well-Known Member
That is a SICK looking grow room you have there dude. Buds looking sweet as ever aswell. Keep the updates coming!


Well-Known Member
Sorry I haven't been around everyone, life's been dishing the shit out a lot lately. My mom's been diagnosed with cancer and that has been the big reason I have been MIA. The harvest went great though. I got way more yield and upped the quality by tenfold, was able to eliminate the weaker pheno and have now only a mother of Orange Bud 2. This time I will have pics showing the HUGE diff between the 2 phenos. I have been harvesting the SCROG for 2 weeks now and just took the last of it down. The SCROG is now all set for the Trainwreck and I just need to transplant and popem in there to veg a bit. I left 1 OB1 in room 1 to go as long as I can let it to see if some extra time will help the resin content but I am near day 70 and nothing new yet. I will be taking that last 1 down this week and moving the Rhino in there asap. Pics of cured bud and comparison of OB1 & OB2 tonight, also some hash pics and a new pipe I got.


Well-Known Member
im sorry to hear about your mother, im sure she is a survivor.

congrats on the harvest, big fan of the journal


Well-Known Member
Soo sorry to hear about your mother. I've said a prayer for for her & hope that all will go well for her & yourself.


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone, she is doing well and only has about a month of chemo to go so we are getting close. She is a real strong lady and a new fan of cannabis for wasting syndrome.


Well-Known Member
Damn chaotic, those buds look nice and chrystally! I wish i had one of those buds to smoke right now, it's so dry around here and i am few weeks away from my harvest :-| Enjoy smoking that amazing looking bud!

Tom :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
Damn chaotic, those buds look nice and chrystally! I wish i had one of those buds to smoke right now, it's so dry around here and i am few weeks away from my harvest :-| Enjoy smoking that amazing looking bud!

Tom :joint::peace:
Thanx man, I have been enjoying it very thouroghly lol.


Well-Known Member
I dont understand it. All of my OB turned out shitty and hermed. I got nothing like the resin covered buds in your photos. I acctually grw a plant that had no visible resin on it what so ever. Both of the dutch passion strains I bought have turned out terrible:( Ive never seen anything like it.