Change of Plans on Drug War in Mexico :


Well-Known Member
Mexico's President-elect Enrique Pena Nieto said in a meeting with President Obama that he would change the focus of the war on drugs from trying to stop drugs and move on to stopping violence against the Mexican people.

I came away with the idea that Mexico's President-elect Enrique Pena Nieto is saying "Fuck It" the problem is the USA has huge demand but I must protect my people. Tooo many have died.
Given that two States have legalized Cannabis seems to be sounding a "Gong" that no one is failing to notice..

The Genie is out of the bottle and cannot go back in.


Well-Known Member
I think he is correct in that stopping the drugs will not work. Attempting to stop the violence will not work without legalization as well. The demand is there and the profits are so huge because of the prohibition. If the USA does not cooperate and start to legalize marijuana the problems that Mexico has will inevitably end up here. Our economies and our nations are tied very closely as we share the border. We have to realize that people want weed just like they wanted alcohol during the depression and they will get it from wherever they can and whomever can meet the demand.