Chances of getting caught w/ 250watt MH/HPS


Active Member
just read through your rental agreement and if I were you I would stealthfully(I'm pretty sure thats a word) change your locks or have them rekeyed(even though its probably a violation of your renting agreement..) that being said take the lock changing idea with a grain of salt..


Active Member
just read through your rental agreement and if I were you I would stealthfully(I'm pretty sure thats a word) change your locks or have them rekeyed(even though its probably a violation of your renting agreement..) that being said take the lock changing idea with a grain of salt..
I've thought about that. But I've heard they'll knock down the door and evict you. But if they don't knock down the door I guess being evicted is better than them finding out.


My desktop's power source is 450 W. Nuff sed.

If you're really paranoid, you can scatter a bunch of computer cases on the floor and go about your life.


I've thought about that. But I've heard they'll knock down the door and evict you. But if they don't knock down the door I guess being evicted is better than them finding out.
Probably not. You need to put yourself in your landlord's shoes! Evictions are timely and expensive. Making you change the locks back is not.

Create a stalking ex-girlfriend, ditch the grow, and smile when he comes in once it's all over.


Well-Known Member
a lock on the apartment is a fairly overt step, may be worth the trade off of landlord pissed off versus grow being found
but if you set up your grow in your bedroom, and put the lock on the bedroom door
the bed room is a bit different, there is a expectation of privacy there, may not be the eviction risk as the apartment door


Well-Known Member
Most desktop PCs use 500watts and more!
Mines uses 850 watts and my AC draws 1150 watts You guys worry too much :)
They have no way of determining what's drawing power (atm) so don't stress if you are paying your bill no one will notice you.
My new setup is all LED/CFL instead of HPS. I have 4 - 2x3 trays under a 300w LED made by

And yeah a lock on your bedroom door should suffice. When I get visits annually it's just to change my filters and they leave. I usually call off sick when they send me a notice that they will be in my apartment. I'd be more worried about odor control and keeping the bright light hidden, than electricity usage.


Well-Known Member
So u guys think even 400 watts is pretty darn safe? Now I'm wondering how much I should grow to fulfill my need of 1.5-2 oz per month. closets will most likely be about 3x3, 3x4 or 4x4 with high ceiling. I used to spend more than half of my wage on it and its caused me to stop and wait till I have a better means of attaining my medicine for my depression.

It is very safe. Like just make sure you have EVERYTHING wired safely and make sure there are no fire hazards, etc.

You can easily do this already by removing everything flammable in your grow room (outside of the tent)

I'm telling you this because if your place were to burn down because of that small grow, you would get caught, and that would really, really suck. It helps if you can check your place/are home at least once a day. Just in case. That way if anything is melting or you see anything suspect, you can fix it right away.

BTW I'm really glad you've decided to grow to cure your depression, this is one of the main reasons me and my GF smoke. Just don't overdo it because we did for a long time and now we've had to quit for a little just to bring our tolerance down. That's where the money spending thing comes in I guess. Just my 2 cents.


Active Member
It is very safe. Like just make sure you have EVERYTHING wired safely and make sure there are no fire hazards, etc.

BTW I'm really glad you've decided to grow to cure your depression, this is one of the main reasons me and my GF smoke. Just don't overdo it because we did for a long time and now we've had to quit for a little just to bring our tolerance down. That's where the money spending thing comes in I guess. Just my 2 cents.
Yeah I do believe that it helps me manage, not cure of course, my bi-polar disorder and depression related to it, but it can definitely harm me too. At night I think it helps me thorough the next day somewhat by leveling my mood. If I smoke too much I get super lazy, and I have a really addictive personality so I used to smoke before school for fun and it made me slow at school or anytime I was bored I would smoke. It can be good or it can do you harm. The thing that drives me nuts is when the super stoners say that it can't do you harm, cuz it can make you lazy and pathetic if you let it.

I just cut ties to a friend who I used to hang out with and do a variety of fun stuff but the friendship soon became solely based off smoking. I thought it was pathetic. Just depends how you manage it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I do believe that it helps me manage, not cure of course, my bi-polar disorder and depression related to it, but it can definitely harm me too. At night I think it helps me thorough the next day somewhat by leveling my mood. If I smoke too much I get super lazy, and I have a really addictive personality so I used to smoke before school for fun and it made me slow at school or anytime I was bored I would smoke. It can be good or it can do you harm. The thing that drives me nuts is when the super stoners say that it can't do you harm, cuz it can make you lazy and pathetic if you let it.

I just cut ties to a friend who I used to hang out with and do a variety of fun stuff but the friendship soon became solely based off smoking. I thought it was pathetic. Just depends how you manage it.

This is EXACTLY what happened to us too! We had a friend who we purchased our supply from every time we hung out and it just got into a habit of spending what turned into 30$ every 3 or so days on relatively shitty (compared to homegrown) weed. And it was as you said just getting pathetic, we seriously would just sit in the car and smoke what seemed like old mid weed and cigarettes for HOURS. Just not a good thing for people with addictive personalities I guess. It was only 1 and a half weeks ago that we stopped hanging out but now I feel great that things are turning around.

We'd smoke on the drive to school, after school, before bed sometimes 4 times a day etc etc and we are in cooking school. I swear it made me a zombie in there and my problem solving skills were next to nothing if I had more then a bong toke (which we always did)

I'm so happy that we quit smoking entirely now just until we have our own harvests again (had one and that weed helped amazingly, the stuff we bought was pretty old I think and just made me tired and eventually stopped getting me stoned at all in general.

It's pretty cool to find someone in nearly the exact same boat, though. If you've never had a harvest the feeling is just amazing and just growing it for a hobby/medical needs feels like it helps depression in and of itself. It's so satisfying to be able to grow your own medicine. :weed:


Active Member
I swear it made me a zombie in there and my problem solving skills were next to nothing if I had more then a bong toke (which we always did)
Yeah talkin bout those problem solving skills, I have trouble processing things sometimes with my brain i guess you could call it problems related to cognition, I'm not really a slow thinker, just think differently, and I'm a smart guy. I'm very technical and good with my hands, but can't do math worth shit. Any my short term memory sucks.

So basically I smoked for 3 years, the last 3-6 months and maybe up to a year of my smoking before I stopped I could'nt hardly think straight. I couldn't remember the last time I bought gas (to see how often I buy it), I would do things and forget I had done them or not focus and not put it into memory, and I stopped caring about everything (I think somewhat related to stressors of not knowing what I wanna do with my life. So I felt pretty stressed out and anxious that I may possibly be "friying" myself. Idk what it was but maybe cannabis is not for me, :cry: But I'm really thinking its a combination of my medicines I was taking by my doc's orders, smoking too many times a day, and not exercising my brain: not enough problem solving like I could get if I had a good technical career, horseshoeing, mobile mechanic, welder etc. (They say you don't use it you lose it) so I stopped and to save money too. So Idk it really bothers me that maybe cannabis just fucks with my brain. But I hope not cuz it does help level my moods and it is very enjoyable.


Active Member
my dad just told me that using my 250 hps light on the 18/6 cycle added about 40-70 bills more a month, lik ethe previous replies id worry more about the smell than anything right now


It helps if you can check your place/are home at least once a day. Just in case. That way if anything is melting or you see anything suspect, you can fix it right away.
I should post here that Dorgem or Yawcam are very nice alternatives if you have a PC and a webcam lying around not doing anything during the day.

These things can be configured to shoot emails, ftp's, web streams, etc. so you can check on your room. The nice thing about this stuff is that when the frame changes, the software takes whatever action you specify. So that means you don't have to actually "watch" the room, it just notifies you if anything's changed.

Only good for a week or so if you're running windows though...o_O


Active Member
I should post here that Dorgem or Yawcam are very nice alternatives if you have a PC and a webcam lying around not doing anything during the day.

These things can be configured to shoot emails, ftp's, web streams, etc. so you can check on your room. The nice thing about this stuff is that when the frame changes, the software takes whatever action you specify. So that means you don't have to actually "watch" the room, it just notifies you if anything's changed.

Only good for a week or so if you're running windows though...o_O
Dang well can't that be traced really easily? Shit I'm kinda afraid of posting on this site for the same reason, regardless of the fact that it's for medicinal use.


Well-Known Member
getting caught with a 250w or 400w light is slim to none, but the risk is still there. It's more likely with a 1000w light or a few 600w lights.


Well-Known Member
Yeah talkin bout those problem solving skills, I have trouble processing things sometimes with my brain i guess you could call it problems related to cognition, I'm not really a slow thinker, just think differently, and I'm a smart guy. I'm very technical and good with my hands, but can't do math worth shit. Any my short term memory sucks.

Same with me! This is exactly how I've felt about the cognition thing for probably like 2-3 years and I started feeling I guess differently ever since then. It started with my memory. I couldn't figure out why days seemed to just be happening as one at a time when I used to feel like I could remember days before the one I was in. (If that made sense).

I've always been horrible at math but what I considered to be pretty good/better then most at English skills (which really do more for me then math ever could, haha)

Certain people just see the slow thinking part of me and I guess that's why I really have so few friends, but in a way I think that's a great thing because then you only make friends that you KNOW like you for who you are.

So basically I smoked for 3 years, the last 3-6 months and maybe up to a year of my smoking before I stopped I could'nt hardly think straight. I couldn't remember the last time I bought gas (to see how often I buy it), I would do things and forget I had done them or not focus and not put it into memory, and I stopped caring about everything (I think somewhat related to stressors of not knowing what I wanna do with my life. So I felt pretty stressed out and anxious that I may possibly be "friying" myself. Idk what it was but maybe cannabis is not for me, :cry:

Haha this just seems almost funny because I could write for hours about my problems but I swear they are probably nearly identical to yours.

My addictive personality sometimes gets the best of me and I think the problem with weed is that when used correctly it is just TOO GOOD to resist, even though as we all know too much of a good thing is NEVER good. It's like I finally learned that lesson, or am learning it now. My depression caused me to smoke every day I believe just because I was trying to overcompensate for whatever feeling I might be having at the time (deciding what to do with my life JUST came up for me because I've been out of high school for a while and had no concrete plans. This made me feel extremely uneasy, feelings like am I a good enough person etc etc. (I have recently come up with a theory about why I'm like this but it would take far too long to explain in detail) but also with these feelings came a overwhelming sense of guilt, near the point of stopping me from doing anything that I used to get happy about thinking of.

But stopping for a week did some amazing things in my life, as cheesy as it sounds. one of which is realizing that I can still enjoy cannabis the way I used to. My GF and I went to a pretty new, but close/trusted as can be friend's house and then after a few hours of hanging out we smoked a fat joint, which I didn't expect to smoke at all. It felt like smoking weed was meaningful again!! It made me feel happy like I used to get from weed! Part of this was my mood I'm sure but the feeling was like being released from depression just for a while. It was great!!!!!

And I worried about weed not being for me too and that stressed me even more. Don't think this way!!!!! It just needs to be used in the right context, the right bud, and probably around the right people or in a situation where you can really, REALLY think straight and realize what emotions you really wanna feel. (that's the only way I can really describe it.) and I honestly believe that. One thing I kinda decided was that from now on I'm only going to smoke when I have something worth smoking for (could be anything you really enjoy from hobbies to excercising, just whatever you like.)

But I'm really thinking its a combination of my medicines I was taking by my doc's orders, smoking too many times a day, and not exercising my brain: not enough problem solving like I could get if I had a good technical career, horseshoeing, mobile mechanic, welder etc. (They say you don't use it you lose it) so I stopped and to save money too. So Idk it really bothers me that maybe cannabis just fucks with my brain. But I hope not cuz it does help level my moods and it is very enjoyable.

This is interesting because nowadays I always talk about manual, simple jobs being what I am good at and that means I can do it fast, well, etc, and that makes me feel good! I know I'm a hard worker but some jobs that require precise thinking just make me feel like shit. I think it goes along with the memory thing too. I can't explain it too well.

But Exactly!!!!! I stopped to save money and although I could just go buy weed I think you just gotta realise that it's something that needs to be treated with respect and if you treat it that way, it will give back to you too. I mean really we are the only ones who abused it like that (although I only smoked heavily for maybe a year or so.)

Also the problem I think with both of us is that when you smoke that much weed your lungs get ruined so you stop getting high especially if you use shitty weed (anything not homegrown and smoked within 3 months to me I think now is shitty), unless of course the weed was CLEARLY good.

And when you add the lung thing to a HUGE tolerance to weed just starts "not working" for you! and it's true! it no longer got me high, just made me feel "okay." I decided this was unacceptable because I think we all know how good it CAN make you feel. :mrgreen:

Next time you do smoke weed, make sure it is worth smoking and is dank. Make it sometime when you feel ALREADY especially happy and RECOGNIZE what it felt to be happy like when you used to smoke and it made you feel that way. Just stop and think about everything and how good you feel. Or if you don't feel good, think about WHY you don't feel good. It really helps if you have someone to voice your thoughts to, but if you don't just say things in your head but make sure they are POSITIVE. Listen to some good music you used to love or practice drawing if you like that or just doodle on a piece of paper. Anything! just let the high take you wherever it wants to take you.

I honestly didn't know how I'd feel after that joint yesterday and it was just unreal what the difference was quitting and then having some really good bud. It almost felt like a life changing experience. I wasn't even in a very good mood before I smoked it and was even nervous around my friend (that's just who I am around other people in person.)

I know this probably looks like hippie shit to anyone else reading this, but this WORKS! Like I think depression is so much in our own (people's) heads now and a lot of that comes from unrealistic expectations, of ourselves and other people but mostly ourselves. Logic is key too, I think. Alot of this is realizing that we should be happy and that you need to get done what makes you happy in the end, or at the end of the day, no matter what it is.

I don't know why this came to mind also but before I finish this, i think another SO important thing is just TRUST YOURSELF!!! Nothing stupid is your fault, it's just what you happen to be feeling at the time. If you feel shitty, it's NOT YOUR FAULT! I think we (everyone) has to accept that before we can really be happy.

Oh and one more thing even, you GOTTA realize that the stressors in your life, again ARE NOT YOUR FAULT!!!!! THIS IS KEY!!!!!!! While some things are our fault it's better to just realize that we can't change the way you feel so the best thing to do is find a way around everything negative and only leave room for positive things in your life. And soooooo much of that is just learning about yourself and finding out how to make yourself truly happy.

I hope this helps you some more because honestly I only started feeling anywhere near like I was coming out of depression after I decided to quit a week and a half ago. And things only got REALLY better yesterday after that joint and much, much thinking. :peace::mrgreen:

Peace, take care!! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Same with me! This is exactly how I've felt about the cognition thing for probably like 2-3 years and I started feeling I guess differently ever since then. It started with my memory. I couldn't figure out why days seemed to just be happening as one at a time when I used to feel like I could remember days before the one I was in. (If that made sense).

I've always been horrible at math but what I considered to be pretty good/better then most at English skills (which really do more for me then math ever could, haha)

Certain people just see the slow thinking part of me and I guess that's why I really have so few friends, but in a way I think that's a great thing because then you only make friends that you KNOW like you for who you are.

So basically I smoked for 3 years, the last 3-6 months and maybe up to a year of my smoking before I stopped I could'nt hardly think straight. I couldn't remember the last time I bought gas (to see how often I buy it), I would do things and forget I had done them or not focus and not put it into memory, and I stopped caring about everything (I think somewhat related to stressors of not knowing what I wanna do with my life. So I felt pretty stressed out and anxious that I may possibly be "friying" myself. Idk what it was but maybe cannabis is not for me, :cry:

Haha this just seems almost funny because I could write for hours about my problems but I swear they are probably nearly identical to yours.

My addictive personality sometimes gets the best of me and I think the problem with weed is that when used correctly it is just TOO GOOD to resist, even though as we all know too much of a good thing is NEVER good. It's like I finally learned that lesson, or am learning it now. My depression caused me to smoke every day I believe just because I was trying to overcompensate for whatever feeling I might be having at the time (deciding what to do with my life JUST came up for me because I've been out of high school for a while and had no concrete plans. This made me feel extremely uneasy, feelings like am I a good enough person etc etc. (I have recently come up with a theory about why I'm like this but it would take far too long to explain in detail) but also with these feelings came a overwhelming sense of guilt, near the point of stopping me from doing anything that I used to get happy about thinking of.

But stopping for a week did some amazing things in my life, as cheesy as it sounds. one of which is realizing that I can still enjoy cannabis the way I used to. My GF and I went to a pretty new, but close/trusted as can be friend's house and then after a few hours of hanging out we smoked a fat joint, which I didn't expect to smoke at all. It felt like smoking weed was meaningful again!! It made me feel happy like I used to get from weed! Part of this was my mood I'm sure but the feeling was like being released from depression just for a while. It was great!!!!!

And I worried about weed not being for me too and that stressed me even more. Don't think this way!!!!! It just needs to be used in the right context, the right bud, and probably around the right people or in a situation where you can really, REALLY think straight and realize what emotions you really wanna feel. (that's the only way I can really describe it.) and I honestly believe that. One thing I kinda decided was that from now on I'm only going to smoke when I have something worth smoking for (could be anything you really enjoy from hobbies to excercising, just whatever you like.)

But I'm really thinking its a combination of my medicines I was taking by my doc's orders, smoking too many times a day, and not exercising my brain: not enough problem solving like I could get if I had a good technical career, horseshoeing, mobile mechanic, welder etc. (They say you don't use it you lose it) so I stopped and to save money too. So Idk it really bothers me that maybe cannabis just fucks with my brain. But I hope not cuz it does help level my moods and it is very enjoyable.

This is interesting because nowadays I always talk about manual, simple jobs being what I am good at and that means I can do it fast, well, etc, and that makes me feel good! I know I'm a hard worker but some jobs that require precise thinking just make me feel like shit. I think it goes along with the memory thing too. I can't explain it too well.

But Exactly!!!!! I stopped to save money and although I could just go buy weed I think you just gotta realise that it's something that needs to be treated with respect and if you treat it that way, it will give back to you too. I mean really we are the only ones who abused it like that (although I only smoked heavily for maybe a year or so.)

Also the problem I think with both of us is that when you smoke that much weed your lungs get ruined so you stop getting high especially if you use shitty weed (anything not homegrown and smoked within 3 months to me I think now is shitty), unless of course the weed was CLEARLY good.

And when you add the lung thing to a HUGE tolerance to weed just starts "not working" for you! and it's true! it no longer got me high, just made me feel "okay." I decided this was unacceptable because I think we all know how good it CAN make you feel. :mrgreen:

Next time you do smoke weed, make sure it is worth smoking and is dank. Make it sometime when you feel ALREADY especially happy and RECOGNIZE what it felt to be happy like when you used to smoke and it made you feel that way. Just stop and think about everything and how good you feel. Or if you don't feel good, think about WHY you don't feel good. It really helps if you have someone to voice your thoughts to, but if you don't just say things in your head but make sure they are POSITIVE. Listen to some good music you used to love or practice drawing if you like that or just doodle on a piece of paper. Anything! just let the high take you wherever it wants to take you.

I honestly didn't know how I'd feel after that joint yesterday and it was just unreal what the difference was quitting and then having some really good bud. It almost felt like a life changing experience. I wasn't even in a very good mood before I smoked it and was even nervous around my friend (that's just who I am around other people in person.)

I know this probably looks like hippie shit to anyone else reading this, but this WORKS! Like I think depression is so much in our own (people's) heads now and a lot of that comes from unrealistic expectations, of ourselves and other people but mostly ourselves. Logic is key too, I think. Alot of this is realizing that we should be happy and that you need to get done what makes you happy in the end, or at the end of the day, no matter what it is.

I don't know why this came to mind also but before I finish this, i think another SO important thing is just TRUST YOURSELF!!! Nothing stupid is your fault, it's just what you happen to be feeling at the time. If you feel shitty, it's NOT YOUR FAULT! I think we (everyone) has to accept that before we can really be happy.

Oh and one more thing even, you GOTTA realize that the stressors in your life, again ARE NOT YOUR FAULT!!!!! THIS IS KEY!!!!!!! While some things are our fault it's better to just realize that we can't change the way you feel so the best thing to do is find a way around everything negative and only leave room for positive things in your life. And soooooo much of that is just learning about yourself and finding out how to make yourself truly happy.

I hope this helps you some more because honestly I only started feeling anywhere near like I was coming out of depression after I decided to quit a week and a half ago. And things only got REALLY better yesterday after that joint and much, much thinking. :peace::mrgreen:

Peace, take care!! :mrgreen:
That shit was deep!!!! I wanna start a thread that helps ppl where they can just come and vent bc I'm a pretty good listener!!!! If anybody agree's let me know


Dude, You do NOT need four plants to yeild an oz a month. one will do just fine. Also the 250 watt dome will be plenty of light to yield that much crop.

Yeah I'm relatively new to this, there's a lot to learn. My plan was to be 24/0 on/off for vegging, and 12/12 or 18/off6 for flowering. But I'm afraid that 12/12 will show significant on/off spikes and 18/6 may also. But after all it's only 250 watts and I may possibly use 400 instead. What about 400 with the same variables?

I'm also thinking space may be a problem. I will most likely have a 3x3, 4x3, or 4x4 area in the walk in closet. I'd like 9-12 plants but I'm not sure about space. It's going to be in soil cuz I don't wanna mess with pumps etc. and the taste is always amazing.

The other thing is all i need is to grow enough to have 1.5-2oz per month, pretty little i'd say but all i really need. I guess I'm wondering what setup space and how many plant i'd need to fulfill my goal. It's a much cheaper alternative to most other peoples source. I don't wanna have to deal with anyone or get ripped etc.