cfls for flowering could i use bue for a short while ??


New Member
Can anyone help me, Im on my first grow (1 plant bagseed) on week 7 (18/6) of veg using 2 45w 6400k daylight blue and 1 14w cfls. I'm gettin a 300w red spectrum 2700k with reflector to flower and use the blue bulbs for side lighting but i wont have this new light for about 2 weeks. its showing female pre flowers already and geting verry big. Would it be ok if i fliped the lights to 12/12 using the daylight bulbs just untill i get the 300w red cfl ? Peacebongsmilie



Well-Known Member
Wait the two weeks unless she start to autoflower, you will be much happier, and you can still use those bulbs with your new one


Well-Known Member
Some strains autoflower meaning they flower without changin the light. Some strains do this because where the strin originated from the sun shines more or less there. You can put it to 12/12 for 3 days starting today and then switch back to 18/6 or w,e your doing


New Member
shes got pre flowers and the light has always been 18/6 does that mean its a autoflower plant


You'll be fine either way. Just make sure to get those 2700k bulbs in there as soon as possible. Also, get some light to that lower parts of the plant. GL!


New Member
Ok thanks guys, yeah i will get a cuple 45w 2700k for them lower parts and use the blue ones to. Cheers :)


Well-Known Member
Some people on here run their whole set up in one color spectrum . But I prefer a mixture of 2700&6500 k. Gl on whatever you deceide


New Member
yeah cheers, im just guna flip the lights to 12/12 on monday using the blue spectrum 6400k CFLs. then hopefully by the next monday after i will have the 300w 2700k.


Well-Known Member
i say wait. man. give it a week in a half more you will me much happier, uness space is an issue im using both spectrums for veg and flower.
yeah cheers, im just guna flip the lights to 12/12 on monday using the blue spectrum 6400k CFLs. then hopefully by the next monday after i will have the 300w 2700k.


Well-Known Member
nvm after ereviewing the pictures you are the lucky father of a girl. but still veg em for a tat longer


New Member
okay thanks for the help! i will just wate till i get the red spectrum lights to flower. space isnt a issue :)