CFL Question?


Well-Known Member
Here is my plant in its 3rd week of flowering (first grow)! There is alot of bud sites on the plant, but I was thinking if I should move the two CFL's on the left and right down to the side of the plant to get more light to the buds. Is that a good idea or shall I just leave it, it seems to be getting on ok atm.




Well-Known Member
lower them, you should figure out a way to hang the one over top of them horizontally too. the center of the bulb puts out most of the light, so right now you are wasting most of your bulbs light.


Well-Known Member
You'll need more lights and to possibly change the spectrum now that your in flowering. You'll benefit by adding lights to the side of the plant too.


Active Member
Putting your bulbs horizontally puts out more light then having them straight like in your picture.
Those look a lot like 6500k CFL's, what spectrum are they? You should be using something like a 2700k CFL for flowering.
The 2700k CFL's output a light spectrum more like an HPS, while the 6500k CFL's output a spectrum more like a MH.
If I were you, I would make those top lights horizontal, and add more 2700k lights on the side.
Good luck and keep it up! You're doing just fine for your first grow buddy!