cfl light


Active Member
hey guys a just was wondering lets say a new cfl light is giving off a sort of yellow light is this normal if so what should it be used for vegetative growth or flowering please get back to me on this one ive read grow faq but it says nothing about yellow cfl lights


Well-Known Member
Yellow tinted CFLs are ussally 2700k Warm White (Red Spectrum) and is used for flowering. You need Cool White for Veg (blue/white Spectrum)


Active Member
thanks yo i appreciate your help do you kno anything about trimming... im sort of wondeting how to make a short bushy sativa.... whats the minimal number of inches my plant should be?


Well-Known Member
ermm...all i can say is all i do is trim leaves that cover bud points when i flower and take off limp leaves...I put mine into flower when the 6th or 7th node appear, keeping it short all depends on the light and to a point the genetics...