
Active Member
Whats with all the retards on this thread? Dont fucking ask questions if youre going to be a stupid ass and attack people who answer... specially when youre wrong. fuck head.


Well-Known Member
yeah guys....jayrad is right....lumens dont add......

al b fuct just posted this in another thread... "
First of all, comparing a watt's worth of CFL vs a watt's worth of HPS is comparing apples and oranges. Fluorescents deliver low intensity light; HPS delivers high intensity. It is the intensity of light which drives photosynthesis.

Luminous intensity aka brightness (measured in lumens or lumens per sq metre aka 'lux') from multiple light sources does not 'add.' Putting a dim lamp next to another dim lamp makes neither lamp brighter.

Since the lumen figure is a measure of brightness, a pair of 1500 lumen CFLs covering the same area is not applying 3000 lumens, rather 1500. It could be 10,000 x 1500lm CFLs and it would still be 1500lm. None of the lamps gets brighter by virtue of being next to one another.

While it's less of an issue, HPS is also much more efficient in lumens per watt than CFL- a bit immaterial as there's no such thing as a CFL that is comparable to an HPS in luminous output.

Plants flowered with fluoros will deliver fluffy, thin buds. Plants vegged with them will grow quite slowly compared to those grown with HID light. Fluoros are great for clones and seedlings, which don't need to be pounded with light.

You're a lot smarter to jump on the forum first and ask what you should use instead of buying a bunch of stuff and later asking if it will work.

See about getting your money back for your huge batch of of CFLs.

Your planned grow box dimensions are going to give you grief. You'll need to make it a good bit taller than 1300mm, closer to 2m is more functional. Even if you grow SoG style, flowering clones right after they set root, which keeps plants rather short, they will be about 1m tall by the end of flowering with a 400HPS.

For 1.2m^2, you could use a 600HPS and could flower about 12-13 SoG pruned plants. You could also use a 400 and flower 8-10 in the same style. Either a 400 or 600HPS would kick the pants off anything you can do with CFLs- and considering you were OK with 650W, are both within your scope for power consumption."

and thats that
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Well-Known Member
Whats with all the retards on this thread? Dont fucking ask questions if youre going to be a stupid ass and attack people who answer... specially when youre wrong. fuck head.
Right your wrond and thick as shit ive said this loads of times fucking listen lumens dont add up on a flux(metal) but i plants leafs has 1000000 of them on a leaf damn spot thinkin you know everything you your useing a FLUX WTF


Well-Known Member
Right your wrond and thick as shit ive said this loads of times fucking listen lumens dont add up on a flux(metal) but i plants leafs has 1000000 of them on a leaf damn spot thinkin you know everything you your useing a FLUX WTF
And this just reinforced what he was saying.

BTW he was saying LUX. It's a SI measurement for lumens x sq. meters.

Flux is a chemical used in welding to join certain types of metal together. most commonly copper piping.

And yes, more CFLs will be beter because more light falls on the leafs but the INTENSITY of the light will not change


Well-Known Member
Right your wrond and thick as shit ive said this loads of times fucking listen lumens dont add up on a flux(metal) but i plants leafs has 1000000 of them on a leaf damn spot thinkin you know everything you your useing a FLUX WTF
haahaaaaaahaaaa.....dude...Are you really trying to call someone else stupid with that illiterate excuse for a sentence. I mean im no english major, but I can put a sentence together. And next time make sure you have your facts straight before trying to rip into someone, you come across as way less of a douche bag...:mrgreen:


Active Member
sorry for getting a bit hostile on here...I try to keep everything friendly as we are all here to help eachother... but holy moley, something hit a nerve when i got called a stupid mofo or whatever... Im going to have to call it quits with this thread and On3timeonly... I dont think english is his native language and the hostility isnt what im here for.

Thanks so much for the backup, Daisy and Nick... I really appreciate it. See you guys around the forum.
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Well-Known Member
Ok hes a thread about it .
and ive said time and time agen
hes what one guy said and i know you cant BASE YOUR FACT ON A Lux reader

Using lumens to measure light output for growing purposes is somewhat off the mark. The measurement of a Lumen is based upon how the human eye perceives light and the various colors within white light. Humans are most sensitive to green light while plants are most sensitive to red and blue light. Therefore, a light giving off X lumens of greenish light will have more Lumen than another light giving off the same amount of photons but in the blue or red part of the spectrum. That being said I don't know of another approximation for the light output of a bulb that is commonly available.


Well-Known Member
Ok hes a thread about it .
and ive said time and time agen
hes what one guy said and i know you cant BASE YOUR FACT ON A Lux reader

Using lumens to measure light output for growing purposes is somewhat off the mark. The measurement of a Lumen is based upon how the human eye perceives light and the various colors within white light. Humans are most sensitive to green light while plants are most sensitive to red and blue light. Therefore, a light giving off X lumens of greenish light will have more Lumen than another light giving off the same amount of photons but in the blue or red part of the spectrum. That being said I don't know of another approximation for the light output of a bulb that is commonly available.
:confused:this is just another thread of people telling you your does this validate your argument...and lux doesnt measure light spectrum it measures light intensity per square foot or meter...nm is the measurement for spectrum.....and kelvins measure temperature....those are 3 very commonly available and standard light measurements.......
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Active Member
I have 2 clones that I just got about 5 days ago. They're about 2 "inches" tall and in the veg stage right now and on a 18/6 cycle.

I have (4) 42watt CFL's and (2) 26watt CFL's on them, which equals to 220watts. If I added 1 400watt HPS light, would that make a BIG difference??? Also, does anyone know about how much it would cost to run 620 watts all day (about).

Can the 400watt HPS be used for veg'ing and flowering???

Thanx in advance...


Well-Known Member
I have 2 clones that I just got about 5 days ago. They're about 2 "inches" tall and in the veg stage right now and on a 18/6 cycle.

I have (4) 42watt CFL's and (2) 26watt CFL's on them, which equals to 220watts. If I added 1 400watt HPS light, would that make a BIG difference??? Also, does anyone know about how much it would cost to run 620 watts all day (about).

Can the 400watt HPS be used for veg'ing and flowering???

Thanx in advance...
if i was you i would get rid of the cfls all together and get a 600w hps or an hps/mh will get way more bang for your buck that way if you are planning on running 600w of lighting...and yes you can veg just fine with hps......


Active Member
im using cfl grow lights im guessin mine are a bit lower powered then yours i have 4 18 inch lights spanned out over my plants i am able to keep them around an inch from the plants and there doing amazing they grow a few inches a week i constantly have to raise them your scorchin problem may be caused from them being to close the best way to find a good distance is to put ur hand right over the plant and test for heat from the lights and always have a fan blowing in the room to rotate the air it allows the hot air from the lights to flow away from the plants allowing the lights to be just a lil closer the fan also promotes your plants to grow strong stems by basically giving them a work out a oscilating fan on low a few feet away should be perfect you just want the plants to be able to get a breeze not blow them over carful i almost had that happen when i plugged my fan in it was on high :( hope this helped