CFL Closet Grow Bubblieicious!


Well-Known Member
thank u and thank u for subcribing.Will get better pics Friday or Saturday,and the plant should be alot bigger by then I hope!~!.I cant wait its already showing major signs of growth 1 day after poking through the soil


Well-Known Member
thank u and thank u for subcribing.Will get better pics Friday or Saturday,and the plant should be alot bigger by then I hope!~!.I cant wait its already showing major signs of growth 1 day after poking through the soil

Now doesn't that capture the essence and joy of what we do?! Most MJ growers turn out to be the coolest mofos on this planet.

Yet, we are branded as hoodlums.

Ok, I'll get off my soapbox now :wall:


Well-Known Member
true dat true dat!!!!We get branded for no reason.MJ is a beautiful thing and a beautiful plant.I cant wait till my baby reaches flower stage so i can sex Her/Him Hopefully its a her though


Well-Known Member
i like the hps light.thats cheap but im poor so i cant buy it netime soon,i bought 2 bags of soil today 8 quart each just incase so i am prepared incase we have to grow again!~!hopefully this baby turns out to be female its thriving right now i setup the light different last night ull c it when u come over during the weekend


Well-Known Member
yup some good pictures too,just make sure when u come it before 230 or after 830 because those r her sleeping hours :-) hehehe


Well-Known Member
hehe bubbles is so pretty wait till friday or saturday and ull get better pics of her.shes going to grow up to be a big and beautiful women I hope!


Well-Known Member
Shit, after reading that response, I'm getting horny :lol: And I'm already stoned :)

Bud porn to come!!


Well-Known Member
thank you,my friends on his way over to snap some photos of her.shes growing slow but steady i think he roots r still developing.I cant wait till shes big like my old plants were.


Well-Known Member
Pics should be posted sometime later today or tonight my friend took them and left so I cant wait to see them!~!