Hmmmm well if your sexy or got some game find someone with a bit of money to mooch, don't have to be rich anyone with a full-time job should do it. Guerilla growing with Mexican brick seeds will give you pretty decent bud if you can keep someone from finding it.....emergency food stamps, anyone is eligible but its a one time only deal then you have to qualify, you can try social security as well, prove you have anxiety or something that will give you a small check Max $500 yea, your gonna have to put in effort and be creative. Depending on morals a pawn shop not in your neighborhood will take local kids bikes, you could steal those ti calculators from Walmart.....but basically resorting to petty theft or low level drug dealing will get you caught quickly
Just get a job. Go to day labor or a job finding place, idk what they are called, we have tx workforce labor is first come first serve