CBD strains

Harlequin, Omrita Rx, AC/DC, Valentinex, Swiss Gold, Canna Tsu, Harle Tsu.

That is an incomplete list of high CBD clones available on the west coast of these United States. Does that answer your question or is that the beginning of a long series of questions eventually getting to a point. It would be much more enjoyable for me if you get to the point of your inquiry right away and save alot of time. Best of luck and health in your search, Prof. Snook


New Member
Thank you prof no more right now except do you have a preferred one out of the bunch?

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Well-Known Member
CBD Crew Yummy it just smells and tastes so good every pheno was pretty good also all there strains breed true for high cbd but they are still all different in strength.
Muscle spasms sorry i should have said that

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The CBD strains that have a ratio of 2/1-CBD/THC or 1/1- CBD/THC could be very helpful with muscle spasms. Harlequin is 2/1 and Omrita is 1/1 and are the easiest to find around here ( Northern California ), though experimenting with any strains that you can find with those ratios could be very worthwhile. If the problem is occasional you would probably find relief very quickly with a couple of hits. If the problem is chronic then a couple of hits every few hours or so has been found to be much more beneficial then smoking a lot all at once.

If some cases spasms have been quieted by use 20/1 CBD/THC strains such as AC/DC or Valentinex. So you see that personal experimentation is very important to finding something that works. Best of luck during these holidays, Prof.Snook


Active Member
Having said that above, Im of the td school camp, a quote from a good old head from parts unknown: Just a cautionary word:

I was advised by so many here that I needed CBD for pain control. Well, I'vetried it and all that I noticed was a mild but unpleasant headache, and notherapeutic action at all. So I have no intention of growing out the CBD Crewseeds I have. I don't have the space for what would be at best an experiment,at worst a nightmare of head-achy weed of no use to anyone.

But... many report they get a lot of relief, so the conclusion is as ever ~Horses, for courses. If CBD works for you, great. But be aware, before givingspace in your Grow Operation to CBD rich strains, that it just may prove to bea big old mistake for you.

I was lucky, I have a friend growing CBD rich strains, and was able to trybefore germinating any seeds. Now there may be other CBD strains that wouldsuit..... but that's my point, really. The whole therapeutic thing withcannabis is polluted with nonsense from folks who insist it can and does cureeverything. But it doesn't, not by a very long margin. So my point really isthis: Don't believe everything you read, and be careful before committing yourentire Grow space over to weed that just might not suit you at all. Far to manypeople think that anecdotal evidence is fool-proof. Well, here's the news: Itis NOT.

Sorry to piss on the fire, carry on.......
and to add one other thing, I believe I read where Rick Simpson says the CBD phenomena is bullshit, to paraphrase.
Having said that above, Im of the td school camp, a quote from a good old head from parts unknown: Just a cautionary word:

I was advised by so many here that I needed CBD for pain control. Well, I'vetried it and all that I noticed was a mild but unpleasant headache, and notherapeutic action at all. So I have no intention of growing out the CBD Crewseeds I have. I don't have the space for what would be at best an experiment,at worst a nightmare of head-achy weed of no use to anyone.

But... many report they get a lot of relief, so the conclusion is as ever ~Horses, for courses. If CBD works for you, great. But be aware, before givingspace in your Grow Operation to CBD rich strains, that it just may prove to bea big old mistake for you.

I was lucky, I have a friend growing CBD rich strains, and was able to trybefore germinating any seeds. Now there may be other CBD strains that wouldsuit..... but that's my point, really. The whole therapeutic thing withcannabis is polluted with nonsense from folks who insist it can and does cureeverything. But it doesn't, not by a very long margin. So my point really isthis: Don't believe everything you read, and be careful before committing yourentire Grow space over to weed that just might not suit you at all. Far to manypeople think that anecdotal evidence is fool-proof. Well, here's the news: Itis NOT.

Sorry to piss on the fire, carry on.......
and to add one other thing, I believe I read where Rick Simpson says the CBD phenomena is bullshit, to paraphrase.
Why would you quote from a good old head from parts unknown? I don't hear anything from your own experience, just a vague, third-party testament and a possible belief that Rick Simpson said something. Though I'm sure you meant your comments and quotes to be helpful they are anything but.

Strains that are high in the CBD molecule have been helpful in dozens of cases that I know of. I have provided flowers or tinctures to patients with a variety of illnesses and they usually report a lessening or in some cases a complete elimination of symptoms. I have found that most people who speak negatively about the CBD molecule have no real experience with it and are just repeating something that they've heard from someone else who doesn't know any better either.

Let's talk about what we know and leave rumor and hyperbole to the talk radio experts. Carry on fine citizens, Prof.snook


Active Member
its just an opinion, you have yours and we have ours. I'll just say, can you remember when ruderalis, aka autoflowering was gonna change the face of mj?lol, not so much now. I do think its odd that someone of Rick Simpson's stature would have such an opinion of the CBD craze, but hey, he has his opinion also. That's what lets people make up their own minds with the info that's out there. And yes, Im sorry to burst your bubble, Ive tried Harlequin, Cannatonic, Nordle, and even RSO and the above statement per the old head holds true. Many think its just a new marketing tool akin to trying to reinvent the wheel. You sound like growers I know that don't smoke, lmfao, there's just something wrong with that logic, imo. But to each his own, peace and karma to you
its just an opinion, you have yours and we have ours. I'll just say, can you remember when ruderalis, aka autoflowering was gonna change the face of mj?lol, not so much now. I do think its odd that someone of Rick Simpson's stature would have such an opinion of the CBD craze, but hey, he has his opinion also. That's what lets people make up their own minds with the info that's out there. And yes, Im sorry to burst your bubble, Ive tried Harlequin, Cannatonic, Nordle, and even RSO and the above statement per the old head holds true. Many think its just a new marketing tool akin to trying to reinvent the wheel. You sound like growers I know that don't smoke, lmfao, there's just something wrong with that logic, imo. But to each his own, peace and karma to you
Thank you for your thoughtful response. There are many opinions out there about CBD and I think it is important to share our individual feelings and personal experiences about non-psychoactive strains. I will look froward to discussing this subject more with you in the future and hearing more about your experiences with high CBD strains and what affliction you were looking to heal. I hope you are better now. Peace and great karma to you, friend. Prof.snook
CBD has it's place most find it is best consumed orally. There are countless university studies all over if you look around. I have patient using it now and it's change his life.
Got his gastrologist on board as well. See these links there are specific to my patients condition. There is real science and evidence backing it up. It works well for some conditions but like beacon said it is no cure all and won't fix everything like some are lead to believe.


http://science.iowamedicalmarijuana.org/pdfs/gastro/Coutts-Izzo GI Pharmacol of CBs Curr Opin Pharmacol 2004.pdf

organic oil

New Member
Muscle spasms sorry i should have said that

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Try Bubble Gum or Chocolope for your spasms . A good strong dose of either of these should help with most nerv type disorders . Another way to maintain a strong immune system is by juicing the leaves of the plant while it is in its veg cycle . It really helps with inflammation . I have been watching the green juice cure for the last couple of years and it is amazing ! No syco effect and no THC .. The results have been amazing .


Active Member
CBD has it's place most find it is best consumed orally. There are countless university studies all over if you look around. I have patient using it now and it's change his life.
Got his gastrologist on board as well. See these links there are specific to my patients condition. There is real science and evidence backing it up. It works well for some conditions but like beacon said it is no cure all and won't fix everything like some are lead to believe.


http://science.iowamedicalmarijuana.org/pdfs/gastro/Coutts-Izzo GI Pharmacol of CBs Curr Opin Pharmacol 2004.pdf
Great post. Anytime you see the medical community on board for documentation and support, that's what it will take, imo, to finally change the perception. People just don't believe you very much if its just a bunch of stoners talking bout what works or doesn't, especially when they hold the "miracle" cut or sell the seeds. I think you are on to something with the decarbolization, if you notice, the candies and desserts these days don't have the same punch as they used to as medibles, most use oil in those newer recipes, in the old days of making cookies or brownies with butter, that butter went over the supposed heat threshold for breaking down THC, yet some of those were potent as hell, but it was that body whammy, set you in a chair all day. IMO the decarbolization has something to do with that. And if it affects the buzz to that degree, the next logical step would be it has to affect the medical aspect to some degree also. I've also had great results as far as pain relief goes besides smoking is some of the rubs you can acquire or make yourself. I know most of those are made with oil, so I have to stoner wonder what is it that makes the oil recipe work as a topical so well, when it doesn't seem to work as well with medibles, like hard candy, etc? Is it the decarbolization? Hmmm...... Again, great info, NE!

organic oil

New Member
CBD Crew Yummy it just smells and tastes so good every pheno was pretty good also all there strains breed true for high cbd but they are still all different in strength.

What is the CBD % THC % of this strain ... I am wondering what this is like compared to Chocolope .