Carbon Scrubber and Police K9's

perhaps some sort of dog repellent? I heard cilantro is used to stop dogs from fighting- just turns them off, they have powders and sprays. No guarantee but it's a thought.


Active Member
Wanna piss off the cop and the dog? Just put a ton of raw beef all over the place. Had the dog eat some i had in my truck that was from the market the last time my truck was searched. Funny shit. No dope, cuz i don't "Ride dirty".


Active Member
hmmm let’s think here how we can make a dog "not want to smell?" well what would make you not want to smell...remember dogs can smell like a million times better then a this is what you do....when they come in with the dog u do what I call the "stand up slider" or the "chest down push out"...all u gatta do is as soon as u know the dogs are coming in...U shit Ur if Ur standing up then that’s the stand up slider....chest down push out....self explanatory


Active Member
So you cover your neighbors' property, even the entire block if you wish. You don't need that much leaf mass to do a decent job. Let them dig deeper; by the time they close in on your house you will have cleared everything.
I hope you're not my neighbor!