canoeing leaves


So i did search for days on this but i haven't found anything that's my situation. i'm growing a couple of autos. the plants are in soil, and up to this point maybe 2.5 weeks, i've used only water. growing under LEDs, so minimal heat. Lights are about 10 inches from plants and watering sparingly with plants still standing strong. the plants are a healthy green colour.

the only problem is, the leaves are canoeing. it started with the bottom leaves, and has now reached the top leaves. everything i have found said it either heat stress, but room is only slight above room temp, over watering (not an issue, and if anything i'm underwatering since my plant pot doesn't have drain holes), or too much light but i'm using less than .5 watt setting--one of the lowest my LED has.

so what's going on? the plant on the left seem to be much more effected with canoeing than the right, but it's stating on the right too.


and i'm have 2 in one pot because it's my first grow and didn't have a pot. i'll be transplanting one into it's own pot soon.


Well-Known Member
That doesn't really look like canoeing to me, the whole leaf isn't curving, just the edges. Do you know what your pot's weight is almost dry? I would let them dry to wilting so you could get a real idea of what "dry" is and only water just before the pot gets to that weight. I don't know what type of light you have but I keep my LEDs 14-16 inches above my young plants. I would also check PH like m420p suggests.


Active Member
Id seperate um before you cant. The roots will grow into each other making it very hard to get them apart. The longer you wait the harder its gonna get. Plus get some pots that drain.


tbh haven't checked the pH, will need a soil ph kit to do that, but i will get one soon. and the temp and humidity are about 24 degrees Celsius and 33%.


this has gotten worse. still not giving any nutrients, but that can't be the issue right now because i have several plants at varying stages that are all experiencing this.
as you can see the leaf is tearing itself up as if it's dried up (which it isn't) or like something is eating it. this is occurring on all my plants. this particular plant in a rockwool cube, in a 500ml water bottle that was cut in half. thus, a minimal amount of soil. is present. the bottom of the cup is full of healthy, white roots.


Well-Known Member
It's probably PH man, especially on plants you used rockwool with. Are you spraying your plants with water? That could be a cause.


Active Member
So i did search for days on this but i haven't found anything that's my situation. i'm growing a couple of autos. the plants are in soil, and up to this point maybe 2.5 weeks, i've used only water. growing under LEDs, so minimal heat. Lights are about 10 inches from plants and watering sparingly with plants still standing strong. the plants are a healthy green colour.

the only problem is, the leaves are canoeing. it started with the bottom leaves, and has now reached the top leaves. everything i have found said it either heat stress, but room is only slight above room temp, over watering (not an issue, and if anything i'm underwatering since my plant pot doesn't have drain holes), or too much light but i'm using less than .5 watt setting--one of the lowest my LED has.

so what's going on? the plant on the left seem to be much more effected with canoeing than the right, but it's stating on the right too.

View attachment 2455442

and i'm have 2 in one pot because it's my first grow and didn't have a pot. i'll be transplanting one into it's own pot soon.
if your pots are not sitting in water
if your soil is not wet clay mud
back those lights off a bit
that is not canoing
that is leaf edges curling hard upward
your medium is wet or impacted or you are frying your girls
if your temps are under 85 degrees - i don't speak kelvin - then either your lights are too close, your plants are drowning, or you're about to experience a HELLUVA nute burn


Yikes i just had this same problem. In my case my soil i was using was staying entirely too moist for way too long. It was just holding water so well! I changed to a different soil mix and they recovered beautifully. Keeping in mind everything everyone else mentioned before hand i have found a moisture meter and ph meter to be invaluable.... Hope everything turned around for ya.


Like what type or brand of soil is you using? Did you use it to germinate the seeds? The dirt has slightly to much nutes in it but as the plant get older it should straighten out by it self keep the faith brand of nutes and dirt would be helpful info:eyesmoke: