Cannabutter has 2 layers of green...dark and darker HELP


Ok so I used the instructions and followed the pics from someones thread on here and everything went smoothly. I used 1 1/4 stick of butter, 3cups of water, and let it sit on LOW LOW LOW heat and I strained and did everything according to instructions. But now I got it in a glass pan and have my 2 layers of butter but the bottom layer is a light green and the top layer is a dark green.

Hmmm, Is this suppose to happen or did I use to much weed or is this a crap load of cannabutter??? bongsmilie

Closet Budz

ya that ratio is waaaay off. i think its supposed to be more like 5lbs of butter per ounce. maybe it'll just be extra potent, guess you gotta try it and find out.

Closet Budz

also i recently learned your supposed to strain out your plant parts from the butter afterwards. so you might be gettign a funky taste. but dont throw it out. im sure it'll still get you high.


Well-Known Member
you are a dumb ass....i ounce to 1lb of butter and thats with marijuana not leaves so of course you add more