Cannabis infused olive oil


Hi I recently maded canna infused oil from 2 strains flushed for 7 days + very small amount of unflushed left overs, I grinded them up finely and add the extra virgin olive oil to those jars, shaked every day througfully and they were inside in the dark place about 22c / 44f temp and after 1,5weeks I spoted the air sucked the lid, I was curius I opened the jar and it was smelling like some pure ape shit lol, Is this happened due to the unflushed small amount or it is not good. Please guys tell me your opinions and suggestion, every advice is much appreciated. And yeah it smells bad , but when you taste it its good, I toke 1 teaspoon and got mild stoned feeling of sleepiness. nothing else. I dont know what to do, jars are greeny green and only odd thing is the shitty smell. Please help me, thank you