Cannabinoids vis a vis Opioids.


Well-Known Member
Soooo, how about those opioids?? Thank our creator for their availability when needed to insulate our senses from serious pain, but OMG, look at the destruction in its wake from addictions!!!!!!!!

Powerful enough that trusting them to the individual user to regulate usage, has as a matter of public record proven one of mankind’s serious shortfalls.

Once in its grips, sensibilities change, as can morals and public responsibilities. Like so many tools misused, there is nothing worse or more dangerous than a dumb hammer.

Today I watched a news presentation relating that the average US citizen’s projected live span was just reduced, after the number of overdose deaths since the previous study doubled. Not the down and out drug addict from a bad fix, but family members that we can all relate to.

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Well-Known Member
Just to kinda emphasize on part of what you said, The crazy thing about opioids is since it doesn’t really have a psychoactive effect like cannabit ie, you don’t get “high” or at least you don’t feel like your impaired in any way, you don’t realize it until your off them, then you look back at some things you said or did and just think “what the fuck was I thinking” ...very dangerous drug anyone thinking about dabbling take it from a addict, run as far away as you can from anyone using that shit and stay clean...or you’ll find yourself in the same position every daily user is in and that’s seriously thinking about suicide to get away from the scramble of trying to keep from getting sick