Cannabinoids kill cancer cells, cannabis oil can treat cancer


There has been over 800 peer reviewed studies that have shown in animal studies and tissue culture that endocannabinoids (the ones are body produces naturally and phytocannabinoids (from cannabis plant) kill cancer cells. Then there is a huge amount of anecdotal evidence from people who have used cannabis oil on various cancers and have cured themselves. Rick Simpson found out about this when he tried the oil on his skin cancer back in 2003, after he contacted the WHO, cancer research organisations and government in Canada but no one would listen to him. He grew it on his land and gave it out to people who wanted it for cancers and other illnesses and they had success, then the government tried to put him in prison even though doctors turned up to the court case and supported his claims, he now lives in exile.
Its a brilliant control or cure so many illnesses, as the endocannabinoid system in our bodies is responsible for keeping us healthy. Right now a american company called Cannabis Science INC operating in Colorado is supplying oil to people with skin cancer and documenting the results with photographs on their website. Two people have been cured so far and have biopsy's that show cancer was there and cancer is gone after using this extract topically. Professor at Colorado university Dr Bob Melemede who started the company believes the pharmaceutical industry is trying to synthetically create all cannabinoids so they can patent them. I think if they manage to synthetically create all the cannabinoids in the cannabis plant the FDA will after accept cannabis has medical value and as they have synthetically created all cannabinoids they don't need to legalise it, they will tell people its not necessary and dangerous to have it legalised. Cancer treatments create billions of dollars for BigPharma, they dont want a plant cure which anybody can make and if grown on a mass scales would be cheap as olive oil. A prostate cancer patient Dennis Hill said he stopped taking all medications once he started on the cannabis oil, it reduced his blood pressure, he didn't need his expensive anti spasmodic pills as cannbais relaxes muscles and he didnt go through with the radiation and chemo as after 6 months on the oil his prostate cancer was gone. Studies have even shown cannabinoids are anti bacterial. GWpharma the british company who make Sativex (a diluted spray cannabis oil) for MS patients have this up on their website about the cancer killing properties of cannabinoids.

Studies can be found here

Check out this videos

Run from the cure (The rick Simpson story)

What if cannabis cured cancer (full documentary)

Skin cancer cured

Prostate cancer cured

Another documentary just released on 5 april called Chronic Future - Killing Cancer is not on the internet yet but should be interesting.

Also here is another amazing video of a diabetic Ulcer being cured by applying cannabis oil topically (man had it for 3 years and now its gone)

Boy 4, with a rare form of diabetes has gone from having multiple seizures per day to one every two weeks (on average) by using the cannabinoid CBD oil. (CBD is non psychoactive) His dad is slowly taking him off his expensive medications which don't work. His son is talking for this first time and making dramatic improvements in his social skills. I follow his story on Facebook, its called Jason and Jaden's Journey.

The list of illnesses cannabis oil works with is endless. The oil is highly concentrated and when taken orally non is wasted, smoking is very inefficient as 90% goes up in smoke. 1 gram of oil which is recommended per day to cure cancers is like 10 grams of strong 20% + THC bud extracted and taken orally so non is wasted.

I hope this information helps people, research into it yourself if your interested. There is alot of groups on Facebook with people talking about their stories with the different ailments people are using it for.