Canana Muffins

Your edibles look really yummy! And 10 hours is pretty epic!

Do you have any tips for cooking with cannabutter? I've been harvesting a lot of plants lately and I have a lot of it.

Here's a question. I'm growing plants by the beach and it gets really humid, so we get powdery (aka downy) mildew. I just started using something that gets rid of it, but I'm curious about the science behind the mildew. I want my edibles to be as safe as possible. What happens if I accidentally use a few leaves/trim with some powdery mildew on them to make cannabutter? Can it be strained out? Will it die in the cooking process? Or will it live in the butter - even though frozen? Please advise. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Do you have any tips for cooking with cannabutter? I've been harvesting a lot of plants lately and I have a lot of it.

Here's a question. I'm growing plants by the beach and it gets really humid, so we get powdery (aka downy) mildew. I just started using something that gets rid of it, but I'm curious about the science behind the mildew. I want my edibles to be as safe as possible. What happens if I accidentally use a few leaves/trim with some powdery mildew on them to make cannabutter? Can it be strained out? Will it die in the cooking process? Or will it live in the butter - even though frozen? Please advise. Thanks.
I honestly don't know much about growing outdoors. The humidity is what makes me hesitate actually. Cooking with weed is pretty much the same as cooking with anything else. If a tomato looks rotten I wouldn't use it. I don't use nugs I think it's a waste in my opinion. Now that doesn't mean I don't throw a few in there but it's mostly just the leaves. I use top grade bud and I do know this makes a big difference. I wouldn't use a marijuana leaf if it had a powdery mildew on it. Now I don't exactly know if it is harmful to ingest, but I just wouldn't use it. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful on this subject. Now as far as it goes to make the cannabutter I use this recipe I let it simmer for 7 hrs and add a bit of olive oil. It's best to do it on a day you know you won't be doing anything but just chillin and smokin some rillos...or hitting the bong. either way. I also like using a glass container for the straining process. I surprisingly found it better for the taste of the butter. Maybe it's just a mind game but I don't think hot liquids and plastic go hand in hand. I also don't find it completely necessary to grind the leaves up. The cheesecloth is your friend. If you don't have a cheesecloth you can either go out and get one, or if you're in a rush just use a clean sock that you don't mind never wearing again or panty hose. I've heard white coffee filters work well too, but because of what they are made out of...I wouldn't recommend it. Only because after I strain the weed, i like to rinse it with hot water, into the glass container of course, and I squeeze any excess butter that may be remaining on the leaves. I find doing that helps with the potency of the butter and don't hesitate to lick some off your hands after doing this. Get's me fucked up. I like to make my butter super potent because I enjoy not having to taste the cannabutter to get high. Meaning the lesser you have to use in a recipe the better. Never hesitate to make some scrambled eggs with a spoonful though. Breakfast of champions. Sorry for the late response by the way. Hope I helped!! :)