Canada is building a wall, and the U.S. is going to pay for it


Well-Known Member
I'm just telling you what 3 nurse friends of mine told me. Don't shoot the messenger angry-pants. You sound like you need a nap.
well, it's a lie. either on your part or theirs. just using your crews debate tactics.


Well-Known Member
well, it's a lie. either on your part or theirs. just using your crews debate tactics.
Firstly, the nurses from Canada were getting paid more American dollars than American nurses in the same position. Second, them coming to America to work had zero to do with our health care system: which is provided to all so therefore way better than the US. It was because they made more money. Facts.
These are actual facts, not alternative facts, so they may be hard for you to grasp.


Well-Known Member
Professional roofer making 8 bucks an hour? Maybe not so professional. Maybe unlicensed cousin working Saturdays.

Washing dishes is a kids/extra job. If you are not a kid and it's not extra that means you zigged when you should have zagged and on many occasions.

And either your accountants is an idiot, you're getting fucked by your accountant,or you are lying.

Poor officer spandy, tsk tsk tsk....the old duffer just can't catch a break....


Well-Known Member
all lies. i know, i was in the industry. you have bullshit 3rd hand info, and i don't believe a word out of any of you guys. always shaping your stories to meet your narratives. every American, hell anyone from anywhere in the world can, and always has been able to walk into any hospital or medical facility, hell even from a corner on the sidewalk, and get medical care without having to pay a single penny. sure, you'll get a bill, cut that isn't the case in canada. whine/cry all you like, call me names, blah blah blah. those are the facts. get a cancer diagnosis in canada, it's a death sentence. those are the facts. your socialized medicine sucks, you know it, anyone that has to use it knows it, and a sane person won't deny it. i have a feeling that won't stop you.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why we don't have Medicare for all.

It makes the most sense and is already set up.

It would just need a few tweeks.


Well-Known Member
all lies. i know, i was in the industry. you have bullshit 3rd hand info, and i don't believe a word out of any of you guys. always shaping your stories to meet your narratives. every American, hell anyone from anywhere in the world can, and always has been able to walk into any hospital or medical facility, hell even from a corner on the sidewalk, and get medical care without having to pay a single penny. sure, you'll get a bill, cut that isn't the case in canada. whine/cry all you like, call me names, blah blah blah. those are the facts. get a cancer diagnosis in canada, it's a death sentence. those are the facts. your socialized medicine sucks, you know it, anyone that has to use it knows it, and a sane person won't deny it. i have a feeling that won't stop you.