can you really grow weed outdoors in the UK??


Active Member
please can someone tell me when is best, how long it takes compared to indoors, what the best seeds are and do i feed the same as indoors?????? answers on a postcard please


Well-Known Member
the strain needs to be made of iron and be able to cope with the crap weather.
even iron plants would rust lol


Well-Known Member
you could grow outdoors there.. get a heavy indica strain so it will flower sooner .. or even some auto flowering plants


plants will grow fine op north as long as there bred for colder climates, try some stuff from holland


Well-Known Member
so what seeds exactly? when to plant, when to harvest etc?
a kush, white widow would do fine
, maybe try Lowryder 2 or another auto flowering plant . you can plant in May im sure (even though i dont know your exact weather) .. harvest would be october


Active Member
so can anyone tell me when is the exact time to plant in the uk? also do i use all the same ingredients as i would use indoors?


Well-Known Member
so can anyone tell me when is the exact time to plant in the uk? also do i use all the same ingredients as i would use indoors?
plant whenever you dont think you will get another frost... and just use fertile soil and you'll grow fine ... dont use miracle grow.. get some bags of garden soil from your local stores thatll sell them and then dig a hole in the ground about 2 ft deep and 1.5ft radius add soil to hole and then transplant your plant you already had growing in another container and make sure it grows


Well-Known Member
Well im looking out for spots right now. Im in the UK. Im gonna buy just buy a bag of miracle grow anyone really. Once ive scouted my area. 2 weeks before i plan on putting them there i will dig the hole and just add the nuted soil. Let it adjust and merge for a few weeks. Meanwhile i will have vegged a few bagseeds for a few weeks so its small. Will put it in a box in a rucksack. Go to the location and just pop it straight in. I will do this early june. AND BECAUSE IM USING BAGSEED IM GONNA BE HAPPY WITH WHATEVER I GET. I will come back at september and whatever and just see how its going. But im going to do it blind. It will be cheap ( under 10 quid ) and yeah it will be a shot in the dark. But whatever.

Oh yeah forgot to say will mix garden lime from b and q into it.

If it works free bud :D


Well-Known Member
ALSO check them at least once a week .. it may only take a deer a day clear some crop .. so yo know what you are dealing with .. if it doesnt make sense its cause im ripped outta my mind