Can You Mix NUtrients from different brands?


Well-Known Member
Can You Mix NUtrients from different brands?
Where i live no one sells series off nuts, that i can use for a my growing cycles...I have 2 choices,

1) i have a bit of left overs from a previous grow and the ,local market can supply few brands.....(need your opinion on what goes with what and when is best to give each product list is below)

2) I can order online and will cost me a fortune but its ok they are worth it (need your professional opinion on which brand to buy that keeps flavor and taste of the plants )

One more question, if i had nuts for over 4 years can they still be used?

Nutrients on Hand:

Mir-grow quick starter 4%-12%-4%
Mir.grow Blood meal powder 12-0-0
A french brand 5%-6%-7% with other elements see picture
Canna flora 2-2-4
canna PK 13/14
Schultz all purpose feed 10-15-10
Alaska 0-10-10

I have the whole set of HESI products but they are 4 years old ?? can i use them.?



Active Member
you can mix different nutes, but you have to have a good nute line setup to do that. the only thing i see good in the pics is the canna stuff, if you are serious about this, i would order a kit of nutes. I used foxfarm with good results when i started growing. I wouldnt use anything over 1-2 years old, think about what your doing when your end product is done. I only use good nutes if i myself are consuming or smoking this stuff.


Well-Known Member
kush is right....i bought g.e.t nutes and cost me hundreds of pounds ...theyre a bloody nightmare to use and jusst wish id stuk wiv canna that id used i stuk wiv it all...


Well-Known Member
THANKS for the advice , very serious actually will be shipping a good line for sure, heard about fox farm and earth juice . will choose one of them i guess . follow my grow i am in 4th week flowering
you can mix different nutes, but you have to have a good nute line setup to do that. the only thing i see good in the pics is the canna stuff, if you are serious about this, i would order a kit of nutes. I used foxfarm with good results when i started growing. I wouldnt use anything over 1-2 years old, think about what your doing when your end product is done. I only use good nutes if i myself are consuming or smoking this stuff.


Well-Known Member
Dont envy you:( i know canna is real good but very. my only problem is shipping cost.
kush is right....i bought g.e.t nutes and cost me hundreds of pounds ...theyre a bloody nightmare to use and jusst wish id stuk wiv canna that id used i stuk wiv it all...


Well-Known Member
i kno mate...i kno alot but really onli just startn out...first grow got eaten by super arnie mites that came on clones....dont ever get clones ...just do ur own....its not worth the for nutes im gonna hav to muddle on wiv this shit but if the next ones die (im doin blu cheese ,kalashnikova and acid)im fookin the coco off and throwin the nutes away and goin back to soiless mix wiv canna and big bud....