Can You Help? Pics Attached

osiris 51d

Well-Known Member
I was given this little plant. Have grown under 600light in soil 5weeks at 18/6 then 12/12 since aprill 11. now in a 20 ltr pot with pete free compost feeding everyday with 4ltr 7ph water and 30mlfeed and 10mol boost. on a waterflusg for last week. thinking abought adding molasas to help with sweet bud and frost.


osiris 51d

Well-Known Member
10ml bud stimulator
10ml boost
10ml flowering feed
in 4ltr tap water that has stood for 12hrs. my tap water in 7ph and the room temp is set at 27 when sleeping and runs at 27-28 when light is on.


Not sure if those nutes are synthetic, if they are don't bother with the molasses it won't do anything. If you haven't introduced synthetics to your soil it will help but make sure you use backstrap molasses and not the regular kind as it's full of sulphates.