Can you grow seeds from crap marijuana..


Active Member
I was wondering? My buddy that is growing took some seeds from some shit pot(its all he had to start with) But they turned out cronic nothing like what the bud it come from!! WHY? I mean this plant looked like someone put sugar on it... Other pot was flat and brown looking... I kinda laughed when he said he was going to grow the seed. The seed was huge. And comments?


Well-Known Member
This happens a lot. When you don't grow guerilla style out in the woods it can come out pretty good. The problem with schwag is that they grow it in the woods with male plants around, they aren't taken very well care of, not cured, etc, etc. That is why the end product is garbage.

Search some bagseed grows on here.


Well-Known Member
Decently grown bag seed will almost always be better than the smoke from the bag. Reasons as stated above.



Active Member
yep, as stated above, if you take care of it while growing, even bagseed can produce killer smoke.


Well-Known Member
I'm not a subscriber to that line of thought due to pure genetics. I don't care how well you grow a weak strain, it will result in weak weed.... The reason schwag is schwag is because it is what it is... they certainly aren't planting expensive clones or top line seeds in the woods for just anyone to stumble on... they grow shit weed that moves, because people like to save money.. Why waste time on growing a seed for 3-4 months from a bag of schwag? If you have nothing else to do or grow, I guess that's cool..

Decently grown bag seed will almost always be better than the smoke from the bag. Reasons as stated above.



Active Member
Depends on the genetics.... you aren't going to get a bag of cheap crap weed and find a gold seed in it...
Thats what im saying tho, he smoked some of swag with me I remember because we was flicking the joint around. He found this huge seed in it and it turned out cronic. It sure didnt look like what we smoked the first time. But ya I was just asking because of that. And wondered why spend all this money on seeds if you can grow good smoke from swag. I just spent 200 dollars on 10 northern lights 10 big bug and 10 widows. So im good on growing crap...


Well-Known Member
LOL, at least you'll know what you are growing for 3 months. Your friend's story is a cool one, but that is not the norm with bag seed.

Thats what im saying tho, he smoked some of swag with me I remember because we was flicking the joint around. He found this huge seed in it and it turned out cronic. It sure didnt look like what we smoked the first time. But ya I was just asking because of that. And wondered why spend all this money on seeds if you can grow good smoke from swag. I just spent 200 dollars on 10 northern lights 10 big bug and 10 widows. So im good on growing crap...


Well-Known Member
I'm not a subscriber to that line of thought due to pure genetics. I don't care how well you grow a weak strain, it will result in weak weed.... The reason schwag is schwag is because it is what it is... they certainly aren't planting expensive clones or top line seeds in the woods for just anyone to stumble on... they grow shit weed that moves, because people like to save money.. Why waste time on growing a seed for 3-4 months from a bag of schwag? If you have nothing else to do or grow, I guess that's cool..
LOL, no argument there and what I said was, it would be better than the weed in the bag. Better schwag, but still schwag.

I guess you could find that 'golden' seed in a bag, but the odds are against it.



I have grown bag seed weed from day one. I like the science I put into the grows. I would say 95% of the time the smoke is really good. I have had a few plants that grew to be ok smoke, but most of the time it comes out really good. I could not afford to buy seeds from a seed bank. The money you spend and then there is a chance that the seeds will not make it through customs. That happened to my friend. He paid over a hundred dollars for some seeds online. A few weeks later instead of getting his seeds in the mail he got a paper from customs saying that they took them because they are not aloud to be imported. That sucks! :( So I started from bag seed. I kept growing until I found the perfect plant. Then I just kept cloning that plant. I dont care about a name. If the plant looks amazing and it tastes excellent, and gets my mind right, then I found a keeper. I have about 6 mother plants now. I have no idea what the "name" of them are. I just know if they are indica, sativa or a mix of the two. Out of the six mothers there could be two plants with the same genetics. I have no idea. All I do know is I have six mother plants that will continue to provide me with the best smoke I have ever had. I still take bag seeds from friends that find them in any good weed. It is like hitting the lotto. Out of an ounce of top shelf smoke you might be lucky to find one seed. So when my friends find them they give them to me and I give it a go. I always take a few clones of the new plants just in case its a winner. If it is not a winner then I give up on that plant and go on to the next one. I find it fun and theraputic. It calms me down and gives me something to do and something to look forward to. Plus I like taking random seeds and sorting them from good to bad. Its fun. I look at it like a antique hunter. They go around and take things no-one else wants at the moment, they polish them up and sell them to people. That is a little like what I do. I hunt through all the seeds that would be just thrown in the garbage any-way and find the good smoke through tedious work. Its fun and I have learned a lot from what I do. I would never buy seeds off a website. There are too many seeds everywhere just waiting to be saved. If I save them and they come out good I am happy. If I try and it just turns out to be regular old weed I give it to people. The good smoke stays with me. Sorry, but all the work I put into what I do, I must reap the rewards. Grow on comrades. Do it the best way you know how and dont stop. Its like the prohibition erra for marijuana right know. Its illegal to grow or posses in many states even for medical purpose still. But even in the 20's when alcohol was illegal people still brewed away. The illegalization of alcohol created more problems than legalization did. Same thing with marijuana. I just hope some day the politicians see legalization as the only answer to a problem that should have never been.