Can you figure out my mistake?

Stark Raving

Active Member
So I made a dumb mistake. I was feeling embarassed about it, but then something occured to me. Perhaps if I show it to you guys, someone may learn something from it.

I was thinking we could give the newer growers on RIU a chance to try and identify the mistake I made. (Those of you with lots of experience will probably figure this one out pretty easily, so lets leave thisone to the newer growers)
laug 27011.jpgaug 27012.jpg
aug 27005.jpgThe plant on the right is the one who suffered from my bonehead move. The one on the left looks pretty much the same as it's 30 or so sisters. So keep in mind, this was a mistake that was only done to one plant. (So obviously no bug problems, or something that could spread to other plants)

aug 27004.jpg

Hope someone can learn from my embarassment! LOL

Stark Raving

Active Member
You nailed it. I accidentally watered that plant twice. Dumb move I know, but now at least some people can see what can happen when you don't pay attention to what you're doing.

.....note to self, medicate AFTER working in the grow room......LOL