Can you clone a...


Can you clone a plant that was grown from a feminized seed? Does anybody know the answer to this????

Green Love

Well-Known Member
You can clone a plant that came from a feminized seed. If you take clones from your female plant at 21 days (it will be the result of monster cropping).


Misguided Angel
Yes you can. You can clone from a fem seed, a reg seed or even another clone. Just not from an autoflowering strain.


Thank you. I had some idiot here telling me that you can't take cuttings and clone a feminized seed. I was like.
"nah man, that's an auto strain you're talking about." But he didn't listen.

Let me ask you guys something else..... How many ounces do you guys get off a plant? Normal dank strains like
Sour Cream, or Kush, or haze. I'm telling him between 1 1/2 to 2 ounces. He's trying to tell me 8 to 12 ounces.


Well-Known Member
depends how long you vegg the plant for and what light you got if you vegg for 3-4 week you can get from a ounce to maybe two if you vegg for longer i dont see why you wouldent be able to hit the 8 ounce mark but you would have to have a big hps light or somthing


Anything is possible, there is talk of people pulling down 2-4 lb plants out of under current systems, i have not seen the evidence but i would imagine they are trees. If you grow like most of us with just a short veg (a month or less) 1 to 4 oz seems common, veg longer more is possible, shorter for less per plant, more plants per foot.
I think he meant that after 21 days the plant has reached sexual maturity enough to support cloning, i prefer a month but that is up to you. And of course you can clone from fem seeds, just watch for hermies.


Well-Known Member
you can clone anything except auto flowers at any stage.....some people like cloning during flower becaus the clone has alot of branching onec it starts growing (like if you would have topped it) some people take them during vegg