Can u make hash out of moldy weed?


Well-Known Member
Hey I have some bud that has mold on it, can I throw it in the bubblehash buckets? Or will the mold work it's way into the hash?


Well-Known Member
I am not sure about the hash but I believe you can make edibles with it because the heat will kill the mold spores


Well-Known Member
would you smoke moldy weed?? no... so i wouldnt recommend making something else you would smoke, such as hash, from it either... i wouldnt even make edibles with it.. the heat would kill the mold spores.. but i think it might turn your stomach a little.. or just the thought would... but i would eat it over making hash with it tho...

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Ive heard that the only thing mouldy weed is good for is hash. Ive rarely made hash so I cant really comment but im sure Ive seen a thread somewhere about it.

I definitely wouldnt be making eatables from it though!


Well-Known Member
Ya I thought I saw something about moldy weed being ok for hash but just can't find a truthful answer about it. Which sux cuz I got a fat top cola molded out and I wanna hash it up! Let me know anyone w/ exp!


Well-Known Member
Yes u can make hash but only if it's way too moldy. Cut off all of the mold ( as best as u can) freeze it and make hash. It is possible that it will spread to the hash, but the mold is on the bud not the trics. I actually am gonna make some Friday. I had heatand humidity issues and some of my plants got white powdery mildew on it. I clipped off the mildew and frooze it all. I did end up tossing a whole plant too cuz it was not worth it.


Well-Known Member
It's funny cuz I was gonna toss it out yesterday but it just look so good still. So I'll have hash by Sunday