can too many beneficials affect ph


does any one know if possibly too many beneficials (bacteria, fungi) like voodoo juice, tarantula, and piranha from advanced nutes could throw the ph way off from normal?


Well-Known Member
An overpopulation will cause mass death, which can and many times does cuase a chain reaction which kills everyhing. Basically what happens is that the organisms run out of food and die, then the dead organisms breakdown and contaminate the enviroment (i.e. upset the ph balance, high amonia levels, and high nitrite levels are a few examples) which causes more death, and then like magic you have a cess pool of death with no hope of recovery. However under normal circumstances the organisms populaion grows to suit the enviroment and this is never an issue.
If you over dose something like piranha or cut the feed rates of something like carbo load you could cause an adverse reaction which could do a bit of damage.
I do not think that the fungi and bacteria will change the ph, however the consumption and waste or excretions of the organism could change the ph. I believe that a ph that is out of the habital range will kill the organisms and the breakbown of those organisms will change the ph. I think that the idea of fungus and bacteria in the res is based on the assumption that the plant and the bacteria both benifit; a symbiotic relationship. With that in mind I assume that the bacteria and the fungus would help to maintain a healthy enviroment for the roots, which would include a healthy ph range.