Can the Police


Well-Known Member
maybe you should take martial arts instead of growing weed.. then your nieghbour wont have to kick your ass lol.
I'm with 2012 you might want to stop growing cause you cant protect your stash or yourself. lol
hey man tough brake that sux but as far as the local police busting you because of your neighbor saying something cannot happen in the legal world that is called "hear say" basically they have no proof that you are growing just someone you got into it with saying that you grow id say your safe for the time being. ferts dont mean shit and as long as the seeds are from a legit place your statement should just say you bought lights and they cant prove otherwise unless they get the product in their possesion.
just keep low and be cool for a while and you should be ok.

ps make up with ur neighbor otherwise your gonna struggle trust me ive been through the same shit with my neighbor threatening me.
Nothing personal, but I disagree with everything you said.

1. Hearsay is an evidence rule applicable in court. It has nothing to do with whether the police decide they have 'probable cause' to search you or get a warrant. Hell, a grand jury can indict you on 100% evidence that would be totally inadmissible in court.

2. It doesn't matter where your seeds are from, it they think you're growing weed, things like ferts or other horticultural shit can be treated as circumstantial. How do you think they bust people who make meth? Except for the modified gas tank, everything used to make meth is 100% legal and can be bought at the grocery store. (Which is fucking scary.)

3. Fuck your neighbor. Don't make up with that asshole. If you're renting, just move and kiss that fucker goodbye.

All of the above being said, shut down your op and move. What just happened with the cops is nothing but a blip on their radar. Cops in most towns have 10 domestic violence/neighborhood dispute calls every night, and every one of those people is ratting someone out over something. It's human nature. If they didn't arrest you tonight, they will keep a record of the incident, but they're not bugging your phone or putting an undercover agent across the street to watch you 24/7. Cops have bigger problems than a small time weed grower.

Get away from that neighbor, lay low for a while, and for the love of god don't tell anyone next time you grow unless they're the closest people to you (maybe not even then). Loose lips sink ships.


Active Member
Nothing personal, but I disagree with everything you said.

1. Hearsay is an evidence rule applicable in court. It has nothing to do with whether the police decide they have 'probable cause' to search you or get a warrant. Hell, a grand jury can indict you on 100% evidence that would be totally inadmissible in court.

2. It doesn't matter where your seeds are from, it they think you're growing weed, things like ferts or other horticultural shit can be treated as circumstantial. How do you think they bust people who make meth? Except for the modified gas tank, everything used to make meth is 100% legal and can be bought at the grocery store. (Which is fucking scary.)

3. Fuck your neighbor. Don't make up with that asshole. If you're renting, just move and kiss that fucker goodbye.

All of the above being said, shut down your op and move. What just happened with the cops is nothing but a blip on their radar. Cops in most towns have 10 domestic violence/neighborhood dispute calls every night, and every one of those people is ratting someone out over something. It's human nature. If they didn't arrest you tonight, they will keep a record of the incident, but they're not bugging your phone or putting an undercover agent across the street to watch you 24/7. Cops have bigger problems than a small time weed grower.

Get away from that neighbor, lay low for a while, and for the love of god don't tell anyone next time you grow unless they're the closest people to you (maybe not even then). Loose lips sink ships.

Sounds like you have spoke the most common sense soo far, nice advice for the guy. Should be very helpfull