Can someone please help quick question


NOT SURE WHAT THIS IS ANY INFO WOULD BE GREAT. THE TIPS OF MYPLANTS ARE LIKE BROWN CISPY ANDCURLED UP JUST THE VERY ENDS. THERE ABOUT 2 1/2 FT AND THIS JUST STARTED A FEW DAYS AGO. 24hr lighting with fluorescents and I havenot changed anything. I use fox farm soil and added nutrients to the soil in the beginning so I don't feed them anything. Any help greatly appreciated



Did farm Ocean forest also added organic earth worm castings and proper dose of organically done complete soil mix. Added all this in the beginning. They are four months old and doing great they are about 3ft tall now. This problem just started a few days ago. I do have some nats trying to control that problem now with sticky strips. Any other info needed let me know. I'm new to this so it is a learning process but a fun one. I did clean up some of the bottom stems and leaves a week ago.


I know they should be bigger but they were stunted for about a month I think they were nutrient locked but once they got past that they took off


Well-Known Member
What is organically done complete soil?

You really don't need to add anything but maybe some perlite to ffof.

If it is not progressing you are probably fine.


Well-Known Member
It's a mix that says it provides everything your plants need throughout there complete growth cycle.
Like I said you are probably fine.
But I wouldn't go messing with the ratio of pre mixed soils without knowing how.
Worm castings are fine.

If the damage is progressing address it.
The damage done will not be reversed.
The tips are burned


Well-Known Member
Yellow sticky traps are ok .... It's those No Pest Strips that are harmful ... Those kill lots of shit but are very dangerous for indoor use .

Allow topsoil to to stay dry ( between watering ) ... Gnats love wet soil.
You can top dress the containers with a layer of sand ... Which will inhibit egg laying.
You can also mix up ( spray bottle ) - rubbing alcohol / water / and a few drops of dish soap to make an insecticidal soap spray that you can mist over plant base and leaves.
It will evaporate fairly quickly and will contact kill a variety of pests.

Yellow sticky will trap whiteflies , gnats and other flying pests. They contain NO CHEMICAL and are safe to use.


Well-Known Member
You need to get gnats under control. the larvae will wreak havoc on your roots. A layer of sand on the topsoil like Buddha mentioned works great for larvae. Good luck :weed:


Ok will do the sand. And sorry I can't really be more specific this is my first try. I wanted to grow without having to feed throughout just because this was my first time. So I used the fox farm Ocean forest and a bag of nutrient mixture and worm castings and followed the directions for mixing. They have been growing great no problems for almost three months. I'm adding some better pics below. The problem does seem to be getting worse slowly. The temp stays around 76 and humidity between 30 and 40% foe watering I keep the ph level between 6.5 and 7.5. Tell me exactly what other info u may need to help me put. I'm also growing some jalapeno plants and that seems to be what drawing the nats.

