Can some one help me out with getting a liecnese to grow 99 plants in cali?


I'm trying to grow up to 99 plants for my friend dispensary and i would like to know where can i get a growing license from? i live in California.


Well-Known Member
thanks a lot but i'm kind of lost lol so what do i do with this form? Do i find a doctor to review it and sign it or what?
I am not sure. Again, from Canada. But I thought about this, and not even sure if this is a grow license, or simply possession license for medication reasons. Maybe a medication license, but allows you to grow certain number of plants???? I will step back and let people that know Cali laws talk.

From what I think I know, this is all you need, but I could be talking nonsense right now. I don't want to mislead you, I just thought this form might be what you needed. Good luck.

I think I might try to get a grow license up here....but I have a record so I doubt it's even allowed for me.