Can Probation search my house? Alberta


Well-Known Member
Hey, it doesnt say on my probation order anything about them searching my house or coming to my house, but my PO just made a homevisit (prescheduled) and told me surveillance would be checkin on me for my curfew.

I'm wondering if she or the police can come by any time and search the house? My room is basement, while the setup room and other bedrooms are 2nd floor. If the setup room is locked, and we say it is my roommates bedroom can they still force there way in?


Active Member
Hey, it doesnt say on my probation order anything about them searching my house or coming to my house, but my PO just made a homevisit (prescheduled) and told me surveillance would be checkin on me for my curfew.

I'm wondering if she or the police can come by any time and search the house? My room is basement, while the setup room and other bedrooms are 2nd floor. If the setup room is locked, and we say it is my roommates bedroom can they still force there way in?

Im no lawyer but when on probation i dont think they need a warrant to come into your home and check out what they are lookin for , if i were u id wait until probations over or you could be on it for a loooong time if they find anything


Well-Known Member
probation officers can do whatever they want.
i knew a kid who was on parole and his officer would come by weekly and look for any alcohol or contraband.

get rid of the grow!


Well-Known Member
probation officers can do whatever they want.
i knew a kid who was on parole and his officer would come by weekly and look for any alcohol or contraband.

get rid of the grow!

One thing..... This is alberta not the states.

Parole and probation are seperate.

One you went to jail the second you never went.

Second very unlikely they'd ome and search for it, if they did.... they probably wouldn't do fuck all.


Well-Known Member
Unsure about Canada but for my probation I had to sign a paper that I pretty much give up my 4th amendment right (Search and Seizure)

I pretty much signed a legal document saying they could come in at any time and if I wanted to battle with it then I would have to go to court.


Active Member
well there is a paper you have to sign while on probation where I live. So yeah they can search your house once they sign it. However if your not on probation, they need a warrant to search your house. And if they try to search your car or you just tell them "I don't consent to searches." If they do you can get them fired.


Well-Known Member
well there is a paper you have to sign while on probation where I live. So yeah they can search your house once they sign it. However if your not on probation, they need a warrant to search your house. And if they try to search your car or you just tell them "I don't consent to searches." If they do you can get them fired.

Not in alberta, I never had to sign anything. When I called to get a P.O I made the mistake of putting him in my phone under a wrong name and accidentally calling him one day for drugs. =p


Active Member
Not in alberta, I never had to sign anything. When I called to get a P.O I made the mistake of putting him in my phone under a wrong name and accidentally calling him one day for drugs. =p
wait im confused why would you want a PO?? and haha you called them for drugs ooppss


Well-Known Member
I am very sure that I did not sign any forms saying that they can search me?? I have had 2 PO's, and neither of them have even mentioned anything about a search of my house ever!

I'm just going to call the probation office tomorrow and inquire about it. I need answers.


Well-Known Member
I am very sure that I did not sign any forms saying that they can search me?? I have had 2 PO's, and neither of them have even mentioned anything about a search of my house ever!

I'm just going to call the probation office tomorrow and inquire about it. I need answers.

Asking hey can you guys search me house? Your begging for trouble.